Ahmed Tobasi, Adonis Nébié
plesno-gledališka predstava / a dance-theatre performance
Ustvarjalca in izvajalca / Created and Performed by: Ahmed Tobasi, Adonis Nébié
Dramaturginja / Dramaturgy: Hildegard De Vuyst
Produkcija / Produced by: Festival de Marseille - produkcija v okviru projekta 1Space, ki ga podpira EU program Ustvarjalna Evropa. / this production was made in the frame of 1Space project. 1Space is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
Koprodukcija festivala / Festival Co-produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana / Dance Theatre Ljubljana
Celotna predstavitev festivala in predprodaja kart: www.exodosljubljana.si od 4. aprila / For detail information & tickets sales go to www.exodosljubljana.si (from April 4)
Vstopnice / Tickets: Moje karte
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
Foto / Photo: Maxime Coulibaly, Sofie Debackere
O predstavi
Predstavo je navdihnila zgodba o Kajnu in Abelu, prvima otrokoma Adama in Eve. Govori o razmerju med tema bratoma, med Kajnom kot prvim človekom in Abelom kot prvim umrlim človekom. Rodila sta se po padcu človeka, v materinih očeh sta bila ustvarjena enaka. A nekega dne, med prinašanjem žrtev Bogu, je enemu sinu dala prednost pred drugim in tako med njima povzročila nepomirljiv razdor.
Kri/brata je delo enega plesalca in enega igralca, dveh posameznikov iz edinstvenih, a enako brutalnih življenjskih okolij, kjer diskriminacija in neenakost oblikujeta preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost. Ustvarila sta bogato in čustveno nabito predstavo, v kateri raziskujeta različna dojemanja zemlje, naroda, religije in tradicije, mnogotere oblike zatiranja in njegove posledice, kot se kažejo v družinskem življenju in bratovskih vezeh.
About the performance
Inspired by the story of Cain and Abel, the first children of Adam and Eve, this piece explores the relationship between the two brothers: Cain as the first human born and Abel as the first human to die. Born after the Fall of Man, they were created equal in their mother’s eyes. One day upon offering their sacrifices to God she chooses to favour one brother over another, creating an irreparable divide between the two brothers.
Blood/Brothers has been created by one dancer and one actor, two individuals from unique, yet equally brutal life environments where discrimination and inequality shape the past, present and future. Staring from the point of their different races, nationalities and identities, this collaboration explores different understandings of land, nation, religion and tradition, the many forms of oppression and their effects as shown in family life and the bond of brotherhood.
O avtorjih
Adonis Nébié se je rodil v Burkina Fasu, državi, ki jo je razdejal kolonializem. Znan je kot energičen, hiter in gibčen plesalec. Svojo uprizoritveno dejavnost in svoj koreografski pristop dopolnjuje s predajanjem znanja drugim. Redno vodi in omogoča treninge in delavnice, tako v Afriki kot drugod po svetu.
Ahmed Tobasi je igralec, režiser in učitelj z delovnimi izkušnjami v palestinskih in mednarodnih gledališčih. Rodil se je v begunskem taborišču Jenin in odraščal pod izraelsko okupacijo, se šolal najprej v Freedom Theatru, nato v norveškem Nordic Black Theatru. Leta 2013 se je vrnil v Jenin in k Freedom Theatru, da prispeva k lokalnemu umetniškemu gibanju, osredotočenemu na kulturo kot obliko upora.
Flamska dramaturginja Hildegard De Vuyst se ukvarja predvsem z medkulturno plesno dramaturgijo. 15 let pa je delala za KVS (Flamsko kraljevsko gledališče), zdaj pa se posveča rezidenčnemu programu pri skupini Alaina Platela les Ballets C de la B v Gentu ter Festivalu v Marseillu na jugu Francije.
About the authors
Born in Burkina Faso, a country ravished by colonialism, Adonis Nébié gained a reputation as an energetic, fast and fluid dancer. Beyond his commitment as an interpreter and his approach as a choreographer, Adonis is involved in the transmission of knowledge. He regularly gives and facilitates trainings and workshops in Africa and internationally.
Ahmed Tobasi is an actor, director and educator with experiences obtained while working in both domestic Palestinian and international theatres. Born in the Jenin refugee camp, he grew up under Israeli occupation. After two years of training at The Freedom Theatre, Tobasi undertook further education in Norway at the Nordic Black Theatre. In 2013 he returned to the Jenin refugee camp to contribute to the local artistic movement which focused on culture as a form of resistance.
Flemish dramaturge Hildegard De Vuyst is specialised in intercultural dance dramaturgy. She built her expertise working 15 years in KVS (Royal Flemish Theatre) in Brussels. Currently she's dividing her time between the residency programme of les Ballets C de la B in Ghent (the company of Alain Platel) and the Festival de Marseille in the south of France.