Beno Novak & Ana Romih
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Koncept in koreografija / Concept and Choreography: Beno Novak & Ana Romih
Svetovanje / Advice: Saša Lončar, Jasmina Založnik
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting design: Marko Levičnik
Kostumografija / Costume design: Urška Madved
Produkcija / Produced by: KUD Qulenium
V sodelovanju / In Colaboration with: KD Qulenium, SVŠGL
Koprodukcija dogodka / Co-production of the event: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
S podporo / Financial Support: Mestna občina Ljubljana / Municipality of Ljubljana
INFO. / REZ.: 031-003-098,, Moje karte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 7/5€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v gledališču / prior reservation or an hour before the performance at the theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
Foto / Photo: Matija Lukić
O predstavi
"Koncert Telesa govori o dveh posameznih pogledih na temo zvena telesa in iskanje harmonije med njima. Gre za fizično predstavo, kjer se dve telesi srečata z vprašanjem, ali ima telo melodijo in kako se telo lahko uporabi kot instrument skozi gibanje. Telesi iščeta skupen jezik, kar ju združuje in hkrati ustvarja razdaljo."
About the performance
"Body Concert speaks of two individual views on the theme of the sound of the bodies and the search for harmony between them. It is a physical performance where two bodies meet with the question of whether the body has a melody and how the body can be used as an instrument through the movement. Searching for a common language, which brings them together and at the same time creates a distance."