Rosana Hribar & Gregor Luštek
enkratna plesna predstava / a one-time dance performance
Koreografija in ples / Choreography and Dance: Rosana Hribar & Gregor Luštek
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting Design: LCLights
Producentka / Producer: Živa Brecelj
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Cankarjev dom
1.) 10 LET / 10 YEARS
Koreografija in ples / Choreography and Dance : Rosana Hribar & Gregor Luštek
2.) DUET 012
Koreografija in ples / Choreography and Dance: Rosana Hribar in Gregor Luštek
Glasba / Music: Klasick-Jahkuzi/DJ Jamirko, Love Song/Dan D
Video film: Režija / Director Peter Bratuša, Produkcija / Produced by Felina Films
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting Design: LCLights
Producentka / Producer: Živa Brecelj
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana, 2009
Koreografija in ples / Choreography and Dance: Rosana Hribar in Gregor Luštek
Vizualna podoba / Visual Image: Jernej Lorenci
Glasba / Music: Por una Cabeza (C. Gardel, Rococo Quartet) v izvedbi / performed by: Godalni kvartet/String Quartet GODALIKA (Jelena Ždrale, Klemen Bračko, Matjaž Sekne in Gregor Mrinko)
Priredba teksta Jerneja Lorencija / Text by Jernej Lorenci, edited by:
Rosana Hribar, Gregor Luštek
Kostumografija / Costumography: Alan Hranitelj
Prevod in projekcija / Translation and Projection: Jure Novak
Producentka / Producer: Živa Brecelj
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana, 2012
4.) Godalni kvartet / String Quartet GODALIKA
5.) 16
Koreografija in ples / Choreography and Dance: Rosana Hribar, Gregor Luštek
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting Design: LCLights
Glasba / Music: Violin Concerto and Opening by Philip Glass; ©1987, 1981 Dunvagen Music Publishers Inc. Used by Permission.
Kostum / Costume: Katarina Škaper
Producentka / Producer: Živa Brecelj
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: UL, Akademija za gledališče, režijo, film in televizijo / Academy for Theatre, Directing, Film and Television
Predstava je magistrsko delo – Umetnost giba Rosane Hribar
The performance is the MA work - The Art of Movement by Rosana Hribar
Mentor: redni prof. Tanja Zgonc
Foto / Photo: Peter Bratuša, Miha Fras, Miha Sagadin
O Maratonskem duetu in avtorjih
Maratonski duet predstavlja šestnajstletno zgodbo profesionalne povezanosti dveh sodobnih plesnih umetnikov Rosane Hribar in Gregorja Luštka, ki na odru skozi govorico plesa pripovedujeta lastno življenjsko zgodbo. Gre za serijo mednarodno uspešnih in nagrajenih plesnih duetov, ki sta jih ob osmi obletnici njune skupne plesne in zasebne poti na vsaki dve leti začela razvijati v Plesnem Teatru Ljubljana. V enkratnem plesnem dogodku bosta avtorja povzela njun pas de deux, korak v dvoje, v enem samem dihu in ga skozi odlomke plesnih duetov (10 let, Duet 012, Štirinajst in 16) predstavila kot celovito gibalno esenco njunega življenja in ustvarjanja.
Rosana Hribar in Gregor Luštek sta prejemnika najvišje državne nagrade za umetniške dosežke - Nagrade Prešernovega sklada 2015 za serijo izjemnih plesnih duetov.
Eppur si muove! (Galileo Galilei)
Kako okusiti odnos, slišati gib, videti besedo, ki ni nikoli izrečena, temveč ves čas ostaja na konicah prstov in na površini grodnice? Kako začutiti govorico kot serijo preveč izrečenih besed, ki težijo telo in upočasnijo korak? In vendar se premika, ves čas, povsem na površini, vedno drugače! Plesni in koreografski par Rosana Hribar in Gregor Luštek, ki ju v zadnjih letih skupnega ustvarjanja zaznamujejo predvsem serije duetov spektakularnega tarantinovskega pas de deuxa, obračata nov list na poti skupnega ustvarjanja; ki ga opredeljuje vzdržljivost izplesovanja, mehkejši tonus gibanja in leta, ki so se vmes nabrala.
Serije duetov Rosane Hribar in Gregorja Luštka so zasnovane kot predstava o življenju, ki razpirajo vpogled v intimno in profesionalno [so]delovanje koreografskega para, in v slovenski sodobni ples že vrsto let vnašajo svojevrsten pečat in gibalni izraz. Edinstvenost v koreografiji in emocionalni naboj ustvarja samosvojo plesno govorico, ki ne potrebuje več zunanje utemeljitve, saj sama po sebi sproti zabrisuje meje, ki si jih postavlja; med osebnim in zasebnim, med jezikom in govorom, med fiziko in kemijo, med emocijo in erosom. Govorica dveh [p]ostaja eno v svojevrstni, neizgovorljivi energiji, ki preči polja na način, da skozi prostor izstopi izplesovanje samo. Njun ples si prostor vzame, ga zgrabi za vrat in preoblikuje na način, da za njim ostaja pot v zraku in cmok v trebuhu. Brutalna iskrenost brez dlake na jeziku. Kakor obdobje življenja na vsaki dve leti prelijeta v nekaj časovnih enot in ga uprostorita, se v duetu 16 soočata tudi z zunanjimi omejitvami plesnega telesa [po štiridesetem letu]. In medtem ko sediment različnih plesnih izrazov in intimnih izkušenj dobiva zrelejši, odpornejši in vzdržljivostni tonus, se želja [po izplesovanju] kaže kot zrcalna slika gona po življenju.
Nihče ni imel prave besede za gib in njegovo bistvo. (Pino Mlakar)
Andreja Kopač
About Marathon Duet and the Authors
Marathon duet presents the sixteen-year old story of professional association of two contemporary dance artists Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek, who through the language of dance tell their own life story on stage. It is a series of internationally successful and award-winning dance duets that they started to create every two years in PTL/ Dance Theatre Ljubljana, starting at the eighth anniversary of their common dance and private roads. In a single dance event the authors will sum up their pas de deux in a single breath, and will present it through the passages of dance duets (10 years, 012 Duet, Fourteen and 16) as an integral movement essence of their life and creation.
Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek are the recipients of the highest national award for artistic achievements – The Prešeren’s Fund Award 2015 for the series of exceptional dance duets.
Eppur si muove! (Galileo Galilei)
How to taste a relationship, hear a movement, see a word that is never delivered but always remains at the tips of the fingers and on the surface of the sternum? How to feel the language as a series of over-expressed words that burden the body and slow down the step? And yet it moves, all the time, entirely on the surface, always in a different way! The dance and choreography duo Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek, who have been in recent years especially marked by the series of spectacular Tarantino’s pas de deux duets, turn a new page on their path of their joint creation, defined by the endurance of dancing-out, softer tonus of the movement and the years that have accumulated in the meantime.
The series of duets by Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek are designed as a performance about life that reveals insights into the intimate and professional (co)operation of the choreographic couple and are introducing an original mark and movement expression to Slovenian contemporary dance for many years. The uniqueness of the choreography and the emotional charge create an original dance language that no longer requires external justification as it constantly blurs the self-set boundaries between the personal and private, between language and speech, between physics and chemistry, between emotion and eros. In a unique and unpronounceable energy, crossing the fields in a way that the dancing-out itself emerges out of space, the language of the two becomes/remains one. Their dance appropriates the space, grabs it by the neck and transforms it in a way that leaves behind sweat in the air and a lump in the abdomen. Straightforward brutal honesty. In the same way they pour the lifetime into a few time units every two years and put it into space, in duet 16 they are also confronted with external constraints of the dance body (after 40). And as the sediment of different dance expressions and intimate experiences is attaining a more mature, resilient and endurable tone, the desire (to dance-out) appears as a mirror image of the instinct for life.
No one had the right word for the movement and its essence. (Pino Mlakar)
Andreja Kopač