Jerca Rožnik Novak & Johannes Randolf
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Koncept in koreografija / Concept and Choreography: JERCA ROŽNIK NOVAK & JOHANNES RANDOLF
Izvajalki / Performers: JERCA ROŽNIK NOVAK & VERONIKA
Avtorska glasba / Original Music: MATEVŽ KOLENC
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: URŠA ADAMIČ
Kostumografija / Costume Design: ANDREJ VRHOVNIK
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: JANKO OVEN
Svetovanje za igro / Acting Advice: ZALA ANA ŠTIGLIC
Kreativna in izvršna producentka / Creative and Executive Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Associazione Culturale CapoTrave / Kilowatt, Dublin Theatre Festival Company Limited By Guarantee, Göteborgs Stads Kulturförvaltning/ Stora Teatern, Bakelit Multi Art Center
S podporo Programa Kreativna Evropa, ki ga financira Evropska unija / Supported by Creative Europe Programme funded by the European Union
Realizacija v okviru projekta EU Be SpectACTive! 2 / Realized in the framework of EU Be SpectACTive! 2 project
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
O predstavi
Predstava temeljito poudarja občutek samote, čeprav je spomin na dvojino še vedno zelo prisoten. Raziskovanje odnosa v dvoje in občutka samote vodi v odkrivanje različnih načinov spreminjanja odsotnosti. Praznina ponuja prostor za soustvarjanje dueta med plesalkama Jerco Rožnik Novak in Veroniko. Predstava bo v novi realnosti izpeljana čim bližje svoji originalni verziji.
About the performance
The performance strongly emphasizes the feeling of being left alone, although the memory of togetherness is still very present. Exploring the relation between the two and the feeling of loneliness leads to discovering new ways of changing the absence. The emptiness offers a platform for the co creation of the duet between Jerca Rožnik Novak and Veronika. In the new reality, the performance will be as faithful as possible to the original version.
O avtorjih
JERCA ROŽNIK NOVAK je rojena leta 1992 v Ljubljani v Sloveniji. Leta 2011 je zaključila Umetniško gimnazijo v Ljubljani - smer sodobni ples. Z letom 2019 je na akademiji sodobnega plesa Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität v Linzu v Avstriji končala magistrski študji plesne pedagogike. Pred prihodom v Linz je bila del projekta “The Daddy Project” produciranega s strani Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana. Projekt je prejel nagrado Ksenije Hribar za perspektivne plesalke leta 2013. Leta 2016 je v produkciji Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana kot plesni prvenec skupaj z Leonom Maričem ustvarila predstavo “Hweōl...v vrtincu časa”. Sodelovala je s koreografi in koreografinjami kot so Willi Dorner, Rose Breuss, Gisela Elisa Heredia, Anna Gulyás, Maria Koliopoulou, Matjaž Farič, Johannes Wieland, Enya Belak Gupta, Vita Osojnik in Damian Cortes Alberti. Plesala je v produkciji “L’Italiana in Algeri” za Tiroler Festspiele Erl. Z editta braun company sodeluje od leta 2014, prav tako s kompanijo SILK Fluegge. V času nastajanja je predstava 2GATHER/AL(L)ONE prejela nagrado strokovne žirije 6. Bienalnega festivala plesnih perspektiv UKREP: Enter in Nagrado po izboru Gregorja Luštka za izvirni plesni solo.
JOHANNES RANDOLF je študiral sodobni ples na Rotterdamse plesni akademiji. Po tem ko, je zaključil s plesanjem v različnih mednarodnih kompanijah je začel koreografirati za skupini Cie. Nvas in x.IDA plesno kompanijo. Njegove koreografije so bile predstavljene na različnih festivalih in konvencijah kot so baltyk University (PL), DJD-Dance Centre (CA), CNDC Angers (FR), itn. Več kot 5 let je bil umetniški sovodja in soustanovitelj CCL_choreographic centra linz ter soustanovitelj in umetniški vodja podiplomske plesne kompanije x.IDA. Johannes je od leta 1998 del vodilnih učiteljev sodobnega plesa na IDA - Inštitutu za plesno umetnost akademije Anton Bruckner Privat univerzitete. Je gostujoči učitelj in koreograf na Calgary univerziteti, na plesni akademiji v Rotterdamu. Sodobni ples in plesne delavnice poučuje po celotni Evropi.
About the authors
Born in 1992 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, JERCA ROŽNIK NOVAK studied at the High School for contemporary dance in Ljubljana where she graduated in 2011. In 2019 she graduated at Academy of Contemporary Dance Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität in Linz, Austria with a master's degree in dance pedagogy. She has worked as a freelance dancer with choreographers such as Willi Dorner, Rose Breuss, Gisela Elisa Herdia, Anna Gulyás, Maria Koliopouplou, Matjaž Farič, Enya Belak Gupta, Johannes Wieland, Vita Osojnik, and Damian Cortes Alberti. She was part of the production “L’Italiana in Algeri” for Tiroler Festspiele Erl. In 2011, she participated in the project “The Daddy Project” produced by Plesni Teater Ljubljana. She created a piece “Hweōl… in the whirlwind of time” together with Leon Marič, produced by Plesni Teater Ljubljana in 2016. She has been working with editta braun company since 2014, like ways with SILK Fluegge. During work in progress of the performance 2GATHER/AL(L)ONE, Jerca received Jury Award for a promising dance piece by the International Expert Jury at Festival Ukrep: ENTER in Ljubljana, Slovenia and Award by a selected Slovenian choreographer Gregor Luštek for the best performer at Festival Ukrep: ENTER.
JOHANNES RANDOLF studied contemporary dance at the Rotterdamse Dancacademy. After dancing internationally in numerous companies, he started to create works for different companies and groups such as: Cie. Nvas, x.IDA dance company. His choreographies have been performed on different festivals and conventions such as baltyk University (PL), DJD-Dance Centre (Canada), CNDC Angers etc. He was the artistic co-director and co-founder of the CCL_choreographic centre linz for more than 5 years as well as the co-founder and artistic Co-director of the post graduate dance company x.IDA. Johannes has been part of the leading contemporary dance teachers at IDA – Institute of Dance Arts at the Anton Bruckner Private University/Linz since 1998. He is a guest teacher and guest choreographer at the University of Calgary, the Dance Academy Rotterdam and teaches contemporary dance classes across Europe.