Jerca Rožnik Novak & Johannes Randolf
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Koncept in koreografija / Concept & Choreography: JERCA ROŽNIK NOVAK & JOHANNES RANDOLF
Izvajalki / Performers: JERCA ROŽNIK NOVAK & VERONIKA
Režija in tehnično svetovanje / Direction and Technical Advice: ENYA BELAK
Avtorska glasba / Music: MATEVŽ KOLENC
Kostumografija / Costume Design: ANDREJ VRHOVNIK
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: URŠA ADAMIČ
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: JANKO OVEN
Svetovanje za igro / Acting Advice: ZALA ANA ŠTIGLIC
Avtorica ilustracij / Illustrations: DORA BENČEVIČ
Tehnična podpora / Technical support : PETRA HANZLÍKOVÁ
Digitalna Veronika / Digital Veronika : JULIJA PEČNIKAR
Kreativna in izvršna producentka / Creative & Executive Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
Produkcija / Produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA
Zahvala / Thanks to: Aerowaves, John Ashford and Anna Arthur
Realizacija v okviru EU projekta Be SpectACTive! 2 / Realized in the framework of the European project Be SpectACTive! 2 – CapoTrave/Kilowatt (IT), Artemrede (PT), Bakelit Multi Art Center (HU), brut (AT), Buda Kunstencentrum Kortrijk (BE), CdAT- Cafè de las Artes Teatro (ES), Domino (HR), International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra (SK), Dublin Theatre Festival (IE), Stora Teatern / Gothenburg Dance and Theatre Festival (SE), SKCNS - Institution Student Cultural Centre OF Novi Sad (RS), Occitanie en scène Languedoc-Roussillon (FR), Plesni Teater Ljubljana (SI), Tanec Praha (CZ), Teatrul National Radu Stanca Sibiu (RO), Fondazione Fitzcarraldo (IT), Universitat de Barcelona (ES), Université de Montpellier (FR), CNRS (FR)
V sodelovanju / In collaboration with: C. O. V. CIE OFF VERTICALITY
Avtorica je o predstavi zapisala
Predstava je do danes spremenila že veliko oblik in obrazov. Razvijala se je od Irske do Švedske in preko Madžarske v javno generalko na odru Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana. Nato nas je obiskal virus korona, nastala je nova oblika predstave – koronika verzija. Danes so razmere spet drugačne in zato smo se odločili, da ponudimo še tretjo verzijo predstave tokrat v spletni obliki.
Predstava poteka v angleškem jeziku.
Author writing about the performance
To this day the performance changed many forms and faces. It was developing from Ireland to Sweden through Hungary to public general rehearsal on the stage of Dance Theatre Ljubljana. And then, coronavirus paid us a visit and so a new form of performance arose – the coronica version. Today the situation is, again, very different and so we decided, to offer you the third version of the performance, this time in online form.
Performance is in English.
O predstavi
Predstava temeljito poudarja občutek samote, čeprav je spomin na dvojino še vedno zelo prisoten. Raziskovanje odnosa v dvoje in občutka samote vodi v odkrivanje različnih načinov spreminjanja odsotnosti. Odsotnosti, ki je v trenutnih časih še toliko bolj prisotna.
Jerca in Veronika sta plesalki in zelo dobri prijateljici. Veronika se pogosto poškoduje. Čeprav sta si zelo različni in živita v dveh različnih državah, ju ljudje velikokrat zamenjajo. Podobni sta si le v določenih lastnostih, ampak trenutno imata popolnoma različni življenji. Jerci je Veronike vedno premalo, zato vedno znova išče nove in nove Veronike. Veronika bi svoj gib opisala z dolgo linijo.
Jerca je vsebino in izvedbo predstave dinamično prilagajala aktualnim korona razmeram in tako tudi (ON)LINE išče in vedno znova tudi najde svojo Veroniko. Vsakič znova, z vsako ponovitvijo drugačno. Praznina ponuja prostor za soustvarjanje dueta med plesalkama Jerco Rožnik Novak in Veroniko.
Predstava bo kljub temu, da bo potekala preko spleta, za gledalce interaktivna in v vseh pogledih prinaša svež veter v trenutni slovenski uprizoritveni prostor. Po predstavi pripravljamo tudi program PLES(NI) PREPIH, kjer se boste gledalci predstave lahko srečali v živo in pogovorili z ustvarjalko. Organizirali bomo enourno delavnico, kjer se boste lahko spoznali z aplikacijo, ki jo je avtorica uporabila v predstavi. Predvideni dan srečanja je nedelja, 28.3.2021, druženje pa je omejeno na deset ljudi. Uro vam naknadno še sporočimo, prijave na dogodek pa bomo sprejemali ob rezervaciji vstopnice za ogled predstave.
About the performance
The performance strongly emphasizes the feeling of being left alone, although the memory of togetherness is still very present. Exploring the relation between the two leads to discovering new ways of changing the absence. The absence that is in current times evermore present.
Jerca and Veronika are dancers and very good friends. Veronika is often injured. Although they are very different and live in different countries, people often cannot differentiate between the two of them. They are alike in certain features, but at the moment their lives are separated. For Jerca there is always too little of Veronika, therefore she is constantly searching for new Veronikas. Veronika could describe her movement with a lingering line.
Jerca dynamically adapted the content and realization of her performance to the current coronavirus situation. Thus, she continues to search (ON)LINE and she keeps finding her Veronika. Over and over again, with each reprise she finds a different Veronika. The emptiness offers a platform for the co creation of the duet between Jerca Rožnik Novak and Veronika.
Although the performance will be streamed online, it will interactively encounter with spectators and thereby bringing refreshment into the current Slovenian performing art space. After the performance, we prepared a DANCE DRAFT program, where performance attendees can meet in person and talk with the performance artist. We will organize an hour-long workshop, where attendees will acquaint themselves with the mobile application used in the performance. Meeting is scheduled on Sunday, 28th March and will be limited to ten people. The exact time will be announced later, as we’ll be receiving applications for participation along with the performance ticket reservations.
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture