Daniel Victoria, Michał Salwiński, Aljoša Lovrić Krapež:
ZADETI (Dve ali tri besede o ekstatični moškosti)/
HIGH (Two or three words about ecstatic masculinity)
predstava/ performance
(Mehika, Poljska, Slovenija/Mexico, Poland, Slovenia)
Režija/ Direction: Daniel Victoria
Soustvarjalca/ Co-creators: Michał Salwiński, Aljoša Lovrić Krapež
Oblikovanje tona in DJ/ Sound design and DJ: Andrés Silva
Oblikovanje svetlobe/ Light design: Michael Lozano, Daniel Victoria
Scenografija/ Stage design: Mara Ingea
Dramaturško svetovanje/ Dramaturgy advisor: Sodja Lotker
Svetovalec za gib/ Movement advisor: Tomáš Janypka
60 minut/ minutes
About performance:
Following on from his successful solo Love, Feathers and Javier Solis presented at last year’s Mladi Levi festival, the Mexican theatre artist Daniel Victoria returns this year with his Master’s degree performance High, subtitled Two or Three Words About Ecstatic Masculinity. Masculinity is an omnipresent word, complex and controversial – one that a certain paradigm may view as a signifier designating »the ideal features of male representation« in its attempt to deconstruct the notions of patriarchy and manhood. The announced engagement with masculinity via the performance title certainly generates expectations towards presence of a male body. The performance High faces and deals with »masculinity« in a physical manner, through explosive energy driven by ecstasy. The photographs could mislead one to expect a dance performance, however High is actually about three male performers immersed in a process of experimentation with extreme joy, pleasure and happiness. All of this with one specific goal in mind - to overcome the dark times. In doing so they draw on the DJ, nudity and a series of found objects that serve as a connective tissue between the three bodies. As we see them getting high on playful acts of affection, we stand witness to them rescuing each other from the threatening nothingness of stage and life. And this, in response, brings a tangible sense of tension in the bodies of audience members – a natural high.
O predstavi:
Mehiški gledališki ustvarjalec Daniel Victoria se po lanskem uspešnem solu Ljubezen, perje in Javier Solis vrača na festival Mladi levi z magistrsko predstavo Zadeti, podnaslovljeno z Dve ali tri besede o ekstatični moškosti. Moškost je vseprisotna, kompleksna in kontroverzna beseda, termin pod drobnogledom poskusa preizpraševanja patriarhata in moškosti lahko povezujemo tudi z »idealnimi značilnostmi moške reprezentacije«. Napoved teme moškosti oziroma naslov gotovo poraja pričakovanja ob prisotnosti moškega telesa. Z »moškostjo« se Zadeti sooča in obračunava telesno, skozi eksplozivno energijo, ki jo poganja – ekstaza. Zato bi vas fotografije lahko zavedle v pričakovanje plesnega performansa, a je Zadeti pravzaprav proces treh moških performerjev, ki eksperimentirajo z ekstremnim veseljem, užitkom in srečo, vse z določenim ciljem: da premagajo temne čase. Pri tem jim pomagajo DJ, golota in niz najdenih predmetov, ki služijo kot sredstvo za povezavo med tremi telesi. Njihovo zadevanje z ugrizom v telo drugega, poljubom na ugriznjeni del telesa in nato klofuto na to isto mesto je kot nekakšno reševanje drug drugega pred grozečim ničem odra in življenja, ki tudi v vseh prisotnih telesih gledalk_cev ustvari napetost in – zadetost.
Informacije in rezervacije: info@bunker.si
Program festivala: https://www.bunker.si/festival-mladi-levi/