Teja Modrijan
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Avtorstvo, koreografija, izvedba / Author, Choreographer, Dancer: TEJA MODRIJAN
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: SAMO OLEAMI
Svetovalka za gib / Movement Advisor: JELENA OLEAMI
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: ALJAŽ ZALETEL
Producent / Producer: GAŠPER KUNŠEK
Produkcija / Produced by: URBANA SCENA LJUBLJANA - ŠKD SAJFR
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA
INFO. / REZ.: ptl@mail.ljudmila.org, Moje karte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 7/5€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / booking in advance or an hour before the performance at our theatre
V skladu z odloki Vlade RS je udeležba na kulturnih dogodkih dovoljena osebam z negativnim testom na Covid-19, cepljenim ali prebolevnikom (PCT pogoj). / In accordance with the decrees of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, participation in cultural events is allowed to people with a negative test for Covid-19, vaccinated or convalescent people (PCT condition).
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
O predstavi
Plesni prvenec Teje Modrijan “Izbira telesa” zariše v telo ustvarjalke izkušnje do sedaj prehojene umetniške poti, kjer se hiphopersko obvladovanje zunanje podobe telesa sreča s sodobnoplesno improvizacijo ter raziskovanjem znotrajtelesnih intenzitet in mišičnih impulzov. Modrijan nadaljuje razvoj specifične odrske prezence, ki jo je oblikovala v svoji nagrajeni plesni miniaturi “Modrost telesa” iz 2019, v kateri se med izvajanjem plesa opazuje od zunaj in iz te “režijske” pozicije skozi živ improviziran gib gnete odrsko podobo.
Ženska vloga se izriše na membrani med izvajalkinim telesom in občinstvom, za katerega je vloga performirana. V napetosti med gibajočim se telosom, izvajalkino subjektiviteto ter vlogo, ki se nanjo projicira s strani družbe, se odpre preizpraševanje spola. Ta po Judith Butler ni esencialna kategorija, ampak hkrati performativno delovanje in od zunaj projicirana podoba. S tem pa izpostavimo tudi pozicijo gledalcev, ki vzdružujejo režim gledanja in s tem hierarhijo spolnih vlog.
About the performance
The performance ‘’Body Selection’’ pictures creative experience the artist has obtained so far through intertwinement of different performance approaches. Mastery of her outer image through hip-hop meets her inner intensities and muscle impulses that are expressed with contemporary dance.In Teja Modrijan's dance debut "The Body's Choice", the artist sketches into her body the experiences of her artistic journey so far, where the hip-hopper's mastery of the body's external image meets contemporary dance improvisation and the exploration of intracorporeal intensities and muscle impulses. In this work, Modrijan continues the development of the specific stage presence she developed in her award-winning 2019 dance miniature "Wisdom of the Body", in which she observes herself from the outside while performing a dance, and from this "directorial" position, she kneads the stage image through vibrant improvised movement.
The female role is rendered on a membrane between the performer's body and the audience for whom the role is performed. In the tension between the moving body, the performer's subjectivity and the role projected onto her by society, a re-examination of gender is raised. According to Judith Butler, gender is not an essential category, but both a performative action and an externally projected image. This also underlines the position of the spectators, who sustain the regime of spectatorship and thus the hierarchy of gender roles.