Režiserka in koreografinja / Directora y Coreógrafa / Director and Choreographer: CARLOTA MANTECÓN
Oblikovalka zvoka / Artista Sonora / Sound Artist: LUZ PRADO CODINA
Delo z glasom / Trabajo Vocal / Voice Work: TAMARA ASCANIO
Dramaturginja in asistentka / Dramaturga y Asistente / Dramaturg and Assistant: URŠA ADAMIČ
Umetniški video in montaža / Video Artista & Editor Vídeo / Video Artist & Editing: ALBERTO REVERÓN
Umetniški video / Video Artista / Video Artist: PILA RUSJAN
Oblikovanje luči / Diseñadora de Iluminación / Light Designer: CRISTINA BOLÍVAR
Adaptacija luči v Sloveniji / Adaptadora Iluminación en SLO / Light Adaptation in SLO: JANKO OVEN
Kostumi / Vestuario / Costumes: SILVIA NAVARRO
Plesalci in soustvarjalci giba / Bailarínas & Co-creación de Movimiento / Dancers & Co-creators of Movement: MARÍA DE LA CRUZ ÁLVAREZ GALVÁN, MAJA CULIBERG, WENCESLAO GUTIÉRREZ BARRIOS, MAJDA LEKŠE, METODA PAVLIČ, MARI LINA SÁNCHEZ DÍAZ
Kreativna producentka / Productora Creativa / Creative Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
Producentka v Španiji / Productora en España / Producer in Spain: SARA SERRANO
Soprodukcija / Co-producido por / Co-produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA / DANCE
Vstopnice / Tickets: Predstava je razprodana. Ponujamo vam možnost ogleda prenosa predstave v živo v Prulček baru. / The performance is sold out. We are offering you the chance of watching live streaming of the performance in Prulček bar.
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
6 viejas dancers, entre múltiples dancers, activan la coreografía.
¿Algún paso me pertenece? Se pregunta one of them.
Dancers produciendo lenguaje en mascarilla covid-19.
No touch.
Los cuerpos que bailan ahora no touch, no crush, algún flash.
Los cuerpos que bailan ahora full power, sin saberlo.
Los cuerpos que bailan ahora hacen historia.
Historias de la danza.
Love from Tenerife & Ljubljana.
O predstavi
Človeško telo je oblika, v katero so vpisani gibi nekega življenja. Šest neprofesionalnih plesalcev starejših od 60 let iz Ljubljane in Tenerifov združuje neustavljiva želja po plesu. Njihova opolnomočena telesa se povežejo v razpršeni koreografiji, s katero vplivajo na razumevanje plesne zgodovine. Stičišče srečanja postane skupni prostor podob skozi objektiv, ki se prepletajo s premikajočimi telesi v živo.
Sobre el espectáculo
Seis dancers amateurs de más de 60 años procedentes de Ljubljana y Tenerife se unen por el irresistible deseo bailar. El empoderamiento de sus cuerpos en movimiento deviene en una coreografía descentralizada que afectará al curso de la historia de la danza.
About the performance
The human body is a form inscribed with the movements of an individual’s life. Six non professional dancers aged 60 and above from Ljubljana and Tenerife are united by an irresistible desire to dance. Their empowered bodies are connected in a dispersed choreography that influences the understanding of dance history. The meeting point of the encounter becomes a common space of images through the camera lens, intertwined with live moving bodies.
Carlota Mantecón (1984) se je rodila na otoku Tenerife v Španiji. Je plesalka, koreografinja, umetnica, ki ustvarja na področju uprizoritvenih umetnosti. Pri ustvarjalnem delu se osredotoča na raziskovanje telesa v gibanju, v dialogu z drugimi umetniškimi zvrstmi. Podiplomski študij sodobnega plesa je končala na London Contemporary Dance School. Od leta 2016 se aktivno ukvarja predvsem s starejšo generacijo na področju La Lagune in Santa Cruza na Tenerifih. Kot pedagoginja sodobnega plesa in improvizacije ter inštruktorica joge vodi redno vadbo in delavnice na Balearskih otokih in na celini.
Carlota Mantecón (Tenerife, 1984) bailarina y coreógrafa desarrolla su práctica artística en el campo de las artes vivas. Su trabajo surge de escuchar poliédricamente el cuerpo y las diversas posibilidades de entrar en relación con el entorno. Dialogando, con especial fascinación, entre la experimentación sonora y las arquitecturas de lo efímero. Recientemente estrenó ESTO NO ES UNA PRUEBA DE SONIDO apoyado por el Cabildo de Tenerife y L’estruch en Festival FAM 2019 con Luz Prado. Durante el 2017 colabora con Carmelo Salazar (director de LA PORTA) en diferentes tipos de acompañamiento artístico. Ha colaborado con artistas como Luz Prado, Tamara Ascanio, Nibia Pastrana Santiago y Jesús Rubio Gamo, entre otros. Desde el 2016 con apoyo de LEAL LAV inicia el proyecto de mediación artística PRINCIPIANTES · Práctica escénica para mujeres mayores de 65 años. En mi práctica artística desarrollo “acciones coreográficas” a partir de establecer diálogos entre el cuerpo, el sonido y/o el territorio. Experimentado con nociones de tiempo, re- significación y realidad. En los últimos años he colaborado con artistas, curadores, y colectivos que han ensanchado mi escucha sobre la ética y los modos de estar juntas afectando continuamente las preguntas que me hago en torno a lo escénico.
Carlota Mantecón (Tenerife, 1984) dancer and choreographer, she focuses her artistic practice in the field of Live Arts. Her work arises from listening to the body in a polyhedric way and the different possibilities of entering into relation with the environment. Dialoguing, with special fascination, on the fields of sound experimentation and the architectures of the ephemeral. She recently premiered ESTO NO ES UNA PRUEBA DE SONIDO (THIS IS NOT A SOUND TEST), with Luz Prado and supported by the Cabildo de Tenerife and L’estruch, at Festival FAM 2019. During 2017 she collaborates with Carmelo Salazar (director of LA PORTA) in different types of artistic accompaniment. She has collaborated with artists such as Luz Prado, Tamara Ascanio, Nibia Pastrana Santiago and Jesús Rubio Gamo, among others. Since 2016, with the support of LEAL LAV, she starts working on the the artistic mediation project PRICIPIANTES (BEGINNERS) · A stage practice for women over 65 year olds. In her artistic practice she develops “choreographic actions” from establishing dialogues with the body, the sound and /or the territory. She is guided by experiencing time notions, the practice of resignification and the relationship fiction-reality. In the last years she has collaborated with artists, curators and collectives that have deepened her active listening to ethics and the modes of being together, which directly affects the wonderings she has towards the scenic.
Sem radovedna popotnica skozi življenje in največja vrednota zame je svoboda. Življenje opazujem skozi rožnata očala in tudi v težkih trenutkih vedno iščem izhod in nove poti. Rada imam izzive, privlači me neznano. Moja radovednost me je pripeljala v gledališče Glej, kjer sem se preizkusila v predstavi Starci. Res je poseben užitek stati na odru, odkrila sem nov svet in tudi igralka bi lahko bila. Iz Gleja pa v PTL, saj se vedno odprejo kakšna nova vrata, če si sam odprt. Tokrat ples. To je pa tako nekaj lepega in neizmerno uživam. Preprosto neham obstajati, lebdim, letim, se prepustim neizmerni lepoti, svobodi, ljubezni... Zase pravim, da življenja ne živim, ampak ga čutim.
I am a curious traveller through time, and freedom is my highest value. I see life through pink glasses, and even in difficult time, I’m always looking for a way out and for new pathways. I like challenges, I’m attracted to the unknown. My curiosity led me to Glej Theatre, where I tested my acting skills in Seniors. It really is a special pleasure to stand on the stage; I discovered a whole new world, and I could also be an actress. From Glej Theatre, on to Dance Theatre Ljubljana, because if one is open, some new doors always open up, too. This time, it’s dancing. This is something so beautiful, and I enjoy it immensely. I simply cease to exist, I float, I fly, I indulge in immense beauty, freedom, love … I always say that I don’t live my life – I feel it.
Rodila sem se leta 1948 v Ljubljani, kjer sem živela skupaj s starši in 7 let mlajšim bratom. Pri 5-6 letih so me vpisali v baletno šolo a je trajalo le približno 2 leti (menda sem bila preveč mirna?). Poleg šole sem se ukvarjala z orodno telovadbo, veliko z drsanjem in metala kroglo. V 80-h sem začela prakticirati jogo in jo v okviru zmožnosti še sedaj. Po upokojitvi sem študirala španščino, slikarstvo in z možem do njegove bolezni plesala v Boleru. Umetnost mi v vseh pogledih veliko pomeni, predvsem slikarstvo. In potem se je odprlo nebo, pristala sem v PTL in nadaljevala sem tam, kjer sem kot 8 letna deklica končala. Pri plesu.
I was born in Ljubljana in 1948 and lived there with my parents and my 7 years younger brother. When I was 5 or 6, I was enrolled in a ballet school, but it only lasted for about 2 years (I was supposedly too calm?). Apart from school, I practiced artistic gymnastics, did a lot of ice skating, and practiced shot¬ put. In the 1980s, I started practicing yoga, something I still practice to this day. After retirement, I studied Spanish and paining, and danced at Bolero Dance Center with my husband until he fell ill. Art means a lot to me in every way, especially painting. And then the sky opened up, I ended up in Dance Theatre Ljubljana and picked up where I left off as an 8-year-old girl. With dancing.
S telovadbo nikoli, od kar pomnim, nisem bila na ti. Pravzaprav niti ne vem ne kdaj, ne zakaj me je res potegnilo notri za ples. Vedno sem rada ob glasbi, verjetno takrat kaj več od Avsenikov ni bilo, migala z ritjo. Ampak čisto zares in res orenk pa sem notri padla, ko sem začela hoditi na plesne vaje k mojstru Jenku. Začetni tečaj, nadaljevalni tečaj, nadaljevalno nadaljevalni tečaj, …. Normalno nadaljevanje je bila Festivalna dvorana ob sobotah zvečer. Moje najlepše obdobje, če izvzamem do 35 leta, se je začelo okoli 55 leta. Začela sem potovati. Obožujem gledališče. Rada imam ples in zelo, zelo rada sem članica seniorske skupine Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana.
I was never really fond of exercising. In fact, I don’t even know when or why I got into dancing. I always loved to shake my ass to the music – probably Avseniki was pretty much all that we had back them. But it was not before I started attending Master Jenko’s dance lessons that I really, totally got in the zone. Beginner Course, Continuation Course, Advanced Course … Festival Hall Ljubljana on Saturday nights was a logical continuation. My favourite period, with the exception of my youth, up to the age of 35, was around the age of 55. I started travelling. I love theatre. I am fond of dancing, and I really really love to be a member of the PTL Senior Group.