Rauxa (ES)
neverbalna predstava novega cirkusa za vse generacije / non-verbal new circus show for all ages
Izvirna zamisel / Original Idea: RAUXA
Režija, dramaturgija, uprizoritev / Direction, Dramaturgy, Performance: XAVI SÁNCHEZ, ANALÍA SERENELLI
Glasba / Music: JESÚS ACEBEDO
Produkcija Klovnbuf festivala / Festival Klovnbuf Produced by: ZAVOD BUFETO
Koprodukcija festivala / Festival Co-produced by: PTL
About project:
What if one day imagination disappeared? In a grey world, two adults manage to immerse themselves in the imagination of children, where everything becomes possible again and the boundaries between the real and the unreal are not yet established. Suddenly and unwittingly, one of them “ends the life of imagination” crisis and panic invade them, and just at that moment when everything seems lost... a ladder becomes a ship. Through circus, acrobatics, dance, manipulation of objects, and a unique puppet, the characters create absurd and poetic situations simultaneously, brimming with magic and fantasy.
O projektu:
Kaj če bi nekega dne domišljija izginila? V sivem svetu se dve odrasli osebi potopita v otroško domišljijo, kjer je vse spet mogoče in kjer meje med resničnim in neresničnim še niso postavljene. Nevede eden od njiju »prekine življenje domišljije«; loti se ju panika, in ravno v tistem trenutku, ko se zdi vse izgubljeno... lestev postane ladja. S pomočjo cirkusa, akrobatike, plesa, manipulacije predmetov in edinstvene lutke lika ustvarjata absurdne in poetične situacije, ki prekipevajo od čarobnosti in domišljije.
O skupini
Xavi Sánchez in Analia Serenelli sta cirkuška umetnika, specializirana za manipulacijo objektov, akrobatiko in ples. Spoznala sta se leta 2015 v francoski skupini Cirque Plume, ki spada med pionirje novega cirkusa. Od takrat dalje skupaj raziskujeta akrobatiko, ples ter odnos med telesom in predmeti. Leta 2018 sta ustanovila skupino Rauxa z namenom ustvarjanja lastnega vesolja, v katerem lahko izražata svojo tragikomično in hkrati poetično vizijo življenja. Xavi je šolanje začel na Carampa Escuela de circo (Španija), nadaljeval v École de cirque Theatre Cirqule de Geneve (Švica), CRAC Centro Regional des Arts du Cirque de Lomme in na šoli Le Lido v Toulousu (Francija). Specializiral je žongliranje in akrobatiko. Eksperimentalno akrobatiko je med drugim poučeval na šoli Codarts (Nizozemska), Escuela de Circo Rogelio Rivel in Escuela de Circo Carampa (Španija), Centro cultural Trivenchi, La Plata in La Fabrika (Argentina). Analia se je najprej udejstvovala na profesionalnem športnem področju, kot ritmična gimnastičarka je dosegala visoke rezultate. Kmalu se je pričela izobraževati na področju sodobnega plesa in cirkusa, s poudarkom na akrobatiki in zračni akrobatiki. Med drugim je delovala kot članica skupin Innovacirco in BigCircus (Argentina).
Program poteka v sklopu Mednarodnega festivala sodobne klovande in novega cirkusa Klovnbuf, ki ga organizira Zavod Bufeto. Več o festivalu na: https://sl.klovnbuf.si/
About Rauxa
Xavi Sánchez and Analia Serenelli are circus artists specialising in object manipulation, acrobatics and dance. They met in 2015 at Cirque Plume, a French group pioneering contemporary circus. Since then, they have been exploring acrobatics, dance and the relationship between the body and objects together. In 2018, they founded the group "Rauxa" with the aim of creating their own universe in which they can express their tragicomic and at the same time poetic vision of life. Xavi started his training at the Carampa Escuela de Circo (Spain) and continued his studies at the École de Cirque Theatre Cirqule de Geneve (Switzerland), CRAC Centro Regional des Arts du Cirque de Lomme (France) and at the Le Lido School in Toulouse (France). He has taught experimental acrobatics at Codarts (Netherlands), Escuela de Circo Rogelio Rivel and Escuela de Circo Carampa (Spain), Centro cultural Trivenchi, La Plata and La Fabrika (Argentina), among others. Analia first competed in professional sports, achieving high results as a rhythmic gymnast. She soon began training in contemporary dance and circus, with a focus on acrobatics and aerial acrobatics. Among others, she was a member of Innovacirco and BigCircus (Argentina).
The program is part of the International Festival of Contemporary Clown and New Circus Klovnbuf organised by Bufeto Institute. More about the festival on: https://sl.klovnbuf.si/
INFO. / REZ.: 040 345 477, plesniteaterljubljana@gmail.com, mojekarte
Vstopnice / Tickets:10/5€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors) predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / booking in advance or an hour before the performance at our theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture