Saša Božić in Petra Hrašćanec (CRO)
tri predstave v enem večeru / a dance performance
Avtorja / Authors: Saša Božić in Petra Hrašćanec
Izvajalci / Performers: Petra Hrašćanec, Marko Jastrevski, Josipa Štulić, Matea Bilosnić, Filipa Bavčević
Izbor glasbe / Music Selection: Saša Božić i Petra Hrašćanec
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: Marino Frankola
Kostumografija / Costume Design: Zdravka Ivandija Kirigin
Producentka / Producer: Andrea Remetin
Produkcija / Produced by: de facto
INFO / REZ: 041 365 184,,, Moje karte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 10/5 € (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / prior booking or an hour before the performance at our theatre
Foto / Photo: Neven Petrović, Danko Stjepanović
O predstavi
"Trilogija" (2011-2015) avtorjev; dramaturga Saše Božića in plesalke in koreografinje Petre Hrašćanec je niz treh predstav, ki temeljijo na odnosu sodobnega plesa in pop glasbe, nastalih v med letoma 2011 in 2015; Love will tear us apart, Boys dont cry in the_beatles.
Prvi del trilogije Love will tear us apart (2011) je solo za Petro Hrašćanec, ki žanrsko varira med rock koncertom, izpovedno formo in abstraktnim plesom. Petra Hrašćanec izvaja izbrane ljubezenske pesmi, medtem ko smo v pavzah soočeni s podrobnostmi o nastanku produkcije, kar razkriva subtilno mrežo odnosov moči, ki določa izvajanje samo. V verigi hierarhije izvajanja je gledalec pozvan k aktivnemu prevzemanju odgovornosti. Predstava, kije v zadnjih letih med največkrat izvajanimi hrvaškimi plesnimi produkcijami (Nagrada hrvaškega gledališča za najboljšo žensko plesno vlogo, 2012), je istega leta dobila svoje »nadaljevanje« v predstavi Boys don't cry. Gre za drugi del Trilogije, ki raziskuje nasledstvo ženskih kantavtoric iz obdobja 60-ih let prejšnjega stoletja in z njimi povezana vprašanja ženske identitete in skrivnih političnih sporočil, ki ji tovrstna glasba (in ples nanjo), posredujeta. Ženska identiteta je razstavljena na glas in pogled, medtem ko se njuno lastništvo presprašuje preko forme dueta med Petro Hrašćanec in Markom Jastrevskim. (Predstava je prejela nagrado na hrvaškem Tednu sodobnega plesa, 2012). Trilogija se zaključuje s predstavo the_beatles (2015), ki obravnava fenomen skupine The Beatles kot ene najbolj komercialnih in popularnih skupin v zgodovini pop glasbe, ki stavi emocionalni in telesni odziv gledalca. Poudarek je procesih poslušanja in slišnega spomina, na vključevanju občinstva in na kolektivnem spominjanju skozi poslušanje. "Božić in Hrašćanec v Trilogiji med drugim postavljata pomembna vprašanja; komu pripada izvedba, kdo si jo lahko lasti, kako nestabilen je pojem plesalčeve virtuoznosti v sodobni plesni izvedbi in kakšna je vloga uživanja v plesu in iskrenosti na odru," je zapisala kritičarka Jelena Mihelčić.
About the performance
„Trilogy“ (2011-2015) by Saša Božić and Petra Hrašćanec is a set of performances about the relation of contemporary dance and pop music, and consists of three performances: Love will tear us apart, Boys don't cry and the_beatles.
The first part of the Trilogy, Love will tear us apart (2011) is a solo for Petra Hrašćanec which wanders in genre between rock concert, confessional form and abstract dance. The performer Petra Hrašćanec performs selected love poems, while during the breaks we are vaguely informed about ephemeral details about the creation of the production, interweaving the subtle net of the relation of power that defines the act of performance. The spectator is invited to actively take responsibility in the chain of the hierarchy of the performing act. Love will tear us apart is one of the most performed Croatian dance performances, and was presenting Croatian dance art in European cultural metropolises such as Milan, Brussels, Dublin, Lyon, Paris, Ljubljana. P. Hrašćanec is awarded with the Prize of the Croatian theatre acting, 2012, as the best woman's dance role. Boys don't cry (2012), the second part of the Trilogy, explores the legacy of female singers in the 60s, and connected to it the issues of woman's identity on the scene and hidden political messages and the dance on it, that such music possesses. The female identity in the performance is divided to voice and view, while its ownership is discussed in the form of a duet by Petra Hrašćanec with Marko Jastrevski. Boys don't cry is the receiver of the Production Prize by The Week of Contemporary Dance, 2012. the_beatles (2015) deals with the Beatles, one of the most commercial and most popular bands in the history of pop music, and through invocation of the golden age of pop music counts on emotional and bodily answer of the spectator. The emphasis is on the processes of hearing and connected to them the processes of auditory memory and the involvement of the public in the shared process of memorisation through listening.
"The interesting thing about Trilogy is that in fact it doesn't matter where it is performed – it would function identically in a gallery, a park, a private flat, as on a theatre stage. The popular music in the background of all three works in only a soundtrack which activates certain emotions from collective memory, while Božić and Hrašćanec raise some more important questions - to whom belongs the performance at all, who is entitled to it, how relative and unstable is in fact the notion of dance virtuosity in contemporary dance execution, and how important in the end is enjoyment in the dance, both for the performer and the audience, as well as performing honesty." Jelena Mihelčić,