Tanja Zgonc
buto / butoh
Avtorstvo, koreografija in izvedba / Authorship, Choreography & Performance: TANJA ZGONC
Kostumografija / Costume Design: ALAN HRANITELJ
Avtorska glasba / Music: ALDO KUMAR
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Light Design: ANDREJ HAJDINJAK
Kreativna producentka, asistenca / Creative Producer & Assistant: KATJA SOMRAK
Produkcija / Produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA
INFO. / REZ.: 041-365-184, ptl@mail.ljudmila.org, info@ptl-lj.si, Moje karte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 12/8€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v gledališču / prior reservation or an hour before the performance at the theatre - omejeno število sedežev / limited number of seats
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
O predstavi
S predstavo POKLON želi avtorica počastiti šestdeset let od nastanka buta in hkrati svojo tridesetletno pot, predvsem pa se pokloniti svojim učiteljem – začetnikom buta, učencem ter sodelavcem, ki so jo spremljali na njeni tridesetletni poti.
Rdeča nit predstave je Khandro oziroma t. i. »sky dancer – traveller (popotnica v času)« ter štiri aktivnosti buto telesa: umirjajoča, bogateča, navdušujoča in energična varujoča aktivnost, ki tako kot lunine mene odmerjajo ritem življenju in stopnjam razvojnega ciklusa: rojstvo, mladost, zrelost, starost. Ta ciklus ustreza tako človeškim posameznikom kot družbam ter civilizacijam in pomeni ciklično menjavanje ter večno ponovno začenjanje.
S predstavo se avtorica približa izvornemu butu, pri čemer izhaja iz svoje avtorske estetike, ki jo je desetletja gradila s poglabljanjem v buto in temelji na raziskavah pozornosti, osredotočenosti na detajle, hrbtenico in obrazno govorico ter na povezavi gibalnih arhetipov, predvsem pa na »modrosti telesa«. Telo nosi spomin, ki je v obliki podob in občutij shranjen v celicah, s čimer duševnost instinktivno dojema kot informacijsko omrežje z neštetimi komunikacijskimi sistemi.
Predstava je pospremljena s fotografsko razstavo in z izborom video filmov njenih buto predstav.
About the performance
The author created the performance POKLON / TRIBUTE to celebrate sixty years of butoh dance, as well as her thirty-year journey, and above all, to pay tribute to her teachers – the pioneers of butoh, to her pupils, and to her colleagues who accompanied her on her thirty-year journey.
The story revolves around Khandro, the so‑called “sky dancer – traveller”, and the four activities of the butoh body: the calming, enriching, inspiring and energetic protective activity, which – much like the phases of the moon – give rhythm to life, to the stages of the development cycle: birth, youth, maturity, age – symbolizes the cyclical changing and eternal restarting.
The performance comes close to the original butoh, deriving from her personal aesthetics, which has developed over the decades of delving into butoh and is based on the exploration of attentiveness, on concentration on details, spine and facial language, and on connecting movement archetypes and above all, on the “wisdom of the body”. The body carries a memory, stored in cells in the form of images and senses, instinctively perceiving the psyche as an informational network with endless communication systems.
The performance is accompanied by a photographic exhibition and a selection of videos of her butoh performances.
O avtorici
Tanja Zgonc – začetnica buta v Slovenskem prostoru – je kot koreografinja in plesalka že več kot petintrideset let dejavna in priznana na domači in svetovni plesni sceni. Pripravila je dvaindvajset avtorskih predstav in prejela številna priznanja: nagrado jugoslovanska alternativna igralka (1989), Zlata ptica (1992), Zlata paličica (1994), nagrado Prešernovega sklada (2002) za predstavo Kagami odsev ter nagrado Povodni mož za najboljšo predstavo po izboru kritikov (2002) za predstavo Koora.
Plesala je v uspešnih predstavah Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana, sodelovala s številnimi priznanimi slovenskimi in tujimi gledališkimi in filmskimi režiserji ter postavila koreografije/odrski gib v več kot sto gledaliških predstavah. Od leta 2002 poučuje na AGRFT v Ljubljani, kjer je od leta 2012 redna profesorica za področje plesne in gibne umetnosti.
Z butom se je prvič seznanila pred 31 leti, ko je postala članica v Kölnu ustanovljene Ko Murobušijeve skupine International Butoh Dance Company. V japonskem butu se je izpopolnjevala pri vodilnih mojstrih, kot so Kazuo Ohno, Yošito Ohno, Ko Murobuši, Carlotta Ikeda, Tadaši Endo in Min Tanaka, kasneje pa je sodelovala tudi s skupinama In-Out (Nemčija) in Su-En Butoh (Švedska). Tanja Zgonc je koreografinja butoistka, ki je s preobrazbo različnih plesnih tehnik in gibalnih metod z metodologijo buta razvila lastno sistematiko in avtorski gibalni princip, predvsem pretoka vsebine skozi hrbet in poglobljene govorice obraza. Po metodi buto v svojem specifičnem umetniškem in pedagoškem jeziku vodi delavnice po Evropi, ZDA in na Japonskem.
About the author
Tanja Zgonc – the pioneer of butoh dance in Slovenia – is a choreographer and dancer who has been active and recognized both on the local and international dance scene for more than thirty years. She has produced twenty-two original performances and received numerous awards: the Yugoslav Alternative Actress Award (1989), Golden Bird (1992), Golden Stick (1994), Prešeren Fund Award (2002) for performance Kagami Reflection, and the Triton Prize for the best performance selected by the critics (2002) for performance Koora.
She has danced in successful performances by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, she collaborated with various established Slovenian and international theatre and film directors, and created choreography/stage movement for more than a hundred theatre performances. Since 2002, she has been teaching at the Ljubljana Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), where she works as a full‑time professor for dance and movement art since 2012.
She came across butoh for the first time 31 years ago, when she became a member of Cologne‑based International Butoh Dance Company led by Ko Murobushi. She studied Japanese butoh with the leading butoh masters such as Kazuo Ohno, Yoshito Ohno, Ko Murobushi, Carlotta Ikeda, Tadashi Endo, Min Tanaka, and later also collaborated with groups such as In-Out (Germany) and Su‑En Butoh (Sweden). Tanja Zgonc is a choreographer Butohist who developed her own systematics and original movement principle, in particular the flow of content through the back and profound facial language, by transforming different dance techniques and movement methods using the methodology of Butoh. She conducts butoh method workshops throughout Europe, the USA and Japan, using her own specific artistic and pedagogical language.