plesna predstava / a dance performance
Koncept, koreografija, izvedba / Concept, Choreography, Performance: VIKTOR ČERNICKÝ
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting Design: ZUZANA REŽNÁ
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: LUKÁŠ KARÁSEK
Tehnična izvedba / Technical Realization: DRAHOMÍR STULÍR
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Plesno gledališče PONEC Dance venue
S podporo Veleposlaništva Češke republike v Ljubljani / Supported by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ljubljana
V sodelovanju s Plesno Vesno Zavoda EN-KNAP / In collaboration with Plesna Vesna by Zavod EN KNAP
Cena vstopnic za posamezno predstavo in ostale dogodke festivala U[krep] 2020 je 1 kulturni evro. Obvezne so rezervacije po elektronski pošti na info@ptl-lj.si ter prevzem vstopnic najkasneje 30 minut pred dogodkom. / The ticket price for an individual show or event of the U[krep] 2020 festival is 1 cultural euro. Reservations are mandatory at info@ptl-lj.si and ticket pick up no later than 30 minutes before the event.
Foto / Photo: Vojtech Brtnicky
O predstavi
Projekt PLI združuje 22 konferenčnih stolov, obsesivni ritem in enega predanega moškega. Na majhni platformi se Viktor Černický odločno loti poskusa nedoločene konstrukcije, rekonstrukcije in dekonstrukcije Univerzuma. Rezultat je inteligentna in igriva solo predstava – fizična metafora za neskončno človeško dinamiko, potrpežljivost in stremljenje, ki tudi povsem običajne predmete spreminja v neverjetna arhitekturna dela.
PLI sledi baročni filozofiji Gottfrieda Willhelma Leibniza in je nepredvidljiva in humorna predstava, ki baročno robustnost nadomešča s prostorsko skromnostjo in materialnim minimalizmom.
About the performance
The PLI project PLI brings together 22 conference chairs, obsessive rhythm, and one devoted man. On a small platform, Viktor Černický dives resolutely into the effort for indefinite construction, reconstruction and deconstruction of the Universe. The outcome is an intelligent and playful solo – a physical metaphor for endless human dynamics, patience and striving that turns even the most ordinary objects into incredible pieces of architecture.
Following the baroque philosophy of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, PLI is an unpredictable and humorous performance where baroque robustness is replaced with spatial modesty and material minimalism.
UKREP 2020: Nova realnost, Festival plesnih perspektiv sodi v program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana. Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana je v javnem interesu na področju kulture in umetnosti ter ga sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana. / UKREP 2020: New Reality, Festival of Dance Perspectives is part of the programme of Dance Theatre Ljubljana (PTL). The programme of PTL is in the public interest in the field of culture and art, and is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana.
Zaradi navodil NIJZ in ukrepov Covid-19, ki se nenehno spreminjajo, bomo morda morali del programa prilagoditi ali celo odpovedati. Prosimo za razumevanje! / Due to the guidelines by National Institute of Public Health and the ever-changing Covid-19 measures, we may need to adjust or even cancel a part of the program. We ask for your understanding!