About the workshop:
Shablam is a three-day voguing workshop led by dancer Sebastijan Geč.
The team of Dance Theater Ljubljana strives to create and expand a safe space for all generations, subcultures and individuals. Voguing scene in Slovenia is young and has been developing since 2021 with the founding of the Vogue collective Ljubljana by vogue dance and ballroom culture enthusiasts. So far, they have organized three vogue evenings and the first Slovenian Kiki ball. They want to gain new members and stimulate interest in vogue. Since Dance Theater Ljubljana is a place of dance and new opportunities, we are happy to open doors of the theater and join the expansion of the vogue scene in our local community.
The workshop is open to everyone, no prior knowledge is necessary, if you wish, bring your high heels and joie de vivre. In three days, participants will learn about the basics and history of voguing, terminology and ballroom categories. On Saturday evening, the event Mini PTL Kiki Ball will take place in Dance Theatre Ljubljana, where the participants of the workshop will present themselves with solo numbers.
O delavnici:
Shablam! je tridnevna voguing delavnica pod vodstvom plesalca Sebastijana Geča.
Ekipa Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana si prizadevamo ustvarit in razširit varen prostor za vse generacije, subkulture in posameznike. Voguing scena v Sloveniji je mlada in se razvija od leta 2021 z ustanovitvijo Vogue kolektiva Ljubljana s strani navdušencev nad vogue plesom in ballroom kulturo. Do zdaj so organizirali tri vogue večere in prvi slovenski Kiki ball. Želijo si pridobiti nove člane in spodbuditi zanimanje za vogue. Ker je Plesni Teater Ljubljana prostor plesa in novih priložnosti, z veseljem odpiramo vrata teatra in se pridružujemo širjenju vogue scene na naših tleh.
Delavnica je odprta za vse, predznanje ni potrebno, če si želite, prinestite s seboj visoke petke in joie de vivre. V treh dneh se boste udeleženci spoznali z osnovami in zgodovino voguinga, izrazoslovjem in spoznavanjem ballroom kategorij. V soboto zvečer se bo odvil dogodek Mini PTL Kiki Ball v Plesnem Teatru Ljubljana, na katerem se bodo predstavili udeleženci delavnice s solo točkami.
Sissy that walk
On the first day of the workshop we will go back to the beginning of the ballroom. We will learn how the voguing scene in New York started, its terminology and what the categories in Ball mean. We will focus on the runway and its variants, such as the European runway, the American runway and the All American runway. Catwalking and posing in fashion magazines are only the inspiration for the so-called ballroom runway. No prior knowledge is necessary, if you wish, bring with you your high heels and joie de vivre.
Vogue Fem extravaganza
On the second day we will meet the vogue fem category, open to everyone who wants to meet their inner woman. Originally, this type of dance was open to men who wanted their own category in which they could show their feminine virtues and give them color. We will get to know all five elements of Vogue Fem: duck walk, hands, cat walk, dips and spins. You can also bring high heels to this workshop.
On the third day of the workshop we will familiarize ourselves with the categories in ballroom and with the acquired knowledge prepare for the evening Mini PTL Kiki Ball event.
About pedagogoue:
Sebastijan Geč is a contemporary dancer and choreographer with a long dance history. He lives and works in Vienna, where he learned about the vogue technique and its subculture. Starting at Plesna Izba Maribor, his dance education continued at SEAD, Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance. His dance repertoire extends from contemporary dance technique, contact improvisation and yoga to acting, performance, drag and vogue.
In 2009 he joined Cie. Willi Dorner company, with which he traveled the world. In 2012 he participated in Jerom Bél's play The show must go on in Vienna. In 2015 he presented his own work Po tem, torej zaradi tega at the contemporary dance biennial Gibanica and at Platforma festival. In recent years he has been collaborating with the renowned Congolese choreographer Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe. He also works as a film actor; his latest film The Mask of Schwarz-Löwenbergs premiered in March in Vienna.
In 2015 he joined the Kiki house of Vivi's voguing family, which was founded at the time. The group was the first in Austria to identify with the ball and ballroom scene and thus years later set up what is today the Voguing scene in Vienna. Voguing is a lifestyle in which you try to find yourself, your true image and not the one that was given to you by society.
Sissy that walk
Prvi dan delavnic se bomo vrnili v začetke ballrooma. Spoznali bomo kako je nastala voguing scena v New York-u, njeno izrazoslovje in kaj pomenijo kategorije v Ball-u. Osredotočili se bomo na runway in njene različice, kot so European runway, American runway in All American runway. Hoja po brveh in modne revije so le inspiracija za tako imenovani ballroom runway.
Vogue Fem extravaganza.
Drugi dan se bomo spoznali z vogue fem kategorijo, odprto za vse, ki si želijo spoznati svojo notranjo žensko. Prvotno je bila ta vrsta plesa odprta za moške, ki so želeli svojo lastno kategorijo, v kateri so lahko pokazali svoje ženstvene vrline in jim dali barvo. Spoznali bomo vseh pet elementov Vogue Fem-a: duck walk, hands, cat walk, dips in spins.
Tretji dan delavnice se bomo spoznali z kategorijami v ball-u in se s pridobljenim znanjem
pripravili na večerni Mini PTL Kiki Ball dogodek.
O pedagogu:
Sebastijan Geč je sodobni plesalec in koreograf z dolgo plesno zgodovino. Živi in dela na Dunaju, kjer se je spoznal z vogue tehniko in njeno subkulturo. Z začetkom v Plesni Izbi Maribor, je svoje plesno šolanje nadaljeval na SEAD, Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance.Njegov plesni repertoar se razteza od sodobne plesne tehnike, kontakt improvizacije in yoge do igre, preformasa, drag-a in tudi vogue-a.
Leta 2009 se je pridružil kompaniji Cie.Willi Dorner, s katero je prepotoval svet. 2012 je na Dunaju sodeloval v predstavi Jerom Bél-a: The show must go on. Leta 2015 se je z lastnim delom Po tem, torej zaradi tega predstavil na sodobno plesnem bienalu Gibanica in festivalu Platforma. V zadnjih letih sodeluje z priznano kongoleško koreografinjo Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe. Deluje tudi kot filmski igralec, zadnji film The mask of Schwarz-Löwenbergs je premiero doživel na Dunaju marca letošnjega leta.
Leta 2015 se je pridružil takrat ustanovljeni voguing družini Kiki house of Vivi’́s. Skupina je bila prva v Avstriji, ki se je poistovetila z ballroomom in tako leta kasneje postavila na noge, kar je danes Voguing scena na Dunaju. Voguing je stil življenja v katerem poiskušaš najti sebe, svojo pravo podobo in ne tisto, ki ti je bila družbeno dana.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday | May 18th - 20th 2023
17.00 - 20.00
17.00 - 20.00
Brake and preparation for the evening Mini PTL Kiki Ball.
LOCATION | Plesni teater Ljubljana, Prijateljeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana - SI
early bird* | 45eur (package 3 days)
regular price | 50eur (package 3 days)
one day price| 20eur
*registration and payment made by May 10th 2023
You can register through the form
→ Prijavnica / Registration form
We will get back to you with further details and all necessary bank information. Your spot is secured once we have received your payment which we will let you know per email.
CONTACT & MORE INFO plesniteaterljubljana@gmail.com
You are invited to discover your inner dancing diva with us! We are not gonna be shady, just fierce! - Paris is Burning
Četrtek, petek in sobota 18. - 20. maj 2023
17.00 - 20.00
17.00 - 20.00
Odmor in priprava na večerni ball.
LOKACIJA | Plesni teater Ljubljana, Prijateljeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana
early bird* | 45eur (paket 3 dni)
redna cena | 50eur (paket 3 dni)
enodnevna cena | 20eur
*prijava in plačilo do 10. maja 2023
Prijavo lahko oddate po elektronskem obrazcu → Prijavnica / Registration form
Poslali ti bomo račun za vplačilo kotizacije, s čimer si zagotoviš svoje mesto na delavnici.
KONTAKT & DODATNE INFO plesniteaterljubljana@gmail.com
Vabljene_i, da skupaj z nami odkrijete svojo notranjo plesno divo! We are not gonna be shady, just fierce! - Paris is Burning
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
Delavnica nastaja ob podpori ŠKUC-a in Kluba Tiffany / Workshop is created with support of ŠKUC and Club Tiffany