Damir Avdić
gledališka predstava / theatre performance
Avtor teksta, glasbe in režija / Directed, Written, Music by: DAMIR AVDIĆ
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: ANDREJA KOPAČ
Kostumografija in scenografija / Costume and Set Design: NATAŠA RECER
Grafično oblikovanje, video / Graphics, Video: ALMIR MAZALOVIĆ
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: JANKO OVEN
Produkcija / Produced by: MASKA LJUBLJANA
Vodja Produkcije / Head of production: NASTJA KOTNIK MINIK
Predstava Šivi je del projekta MOJ DOM, podprtega s strani Evropske unije – EU program CERV (Evropsko spominjanje). / Stitches is part of the project MOJ DOM supported by EU Programme CERV (European Remembrance).
Financirano s strani Evropske unije. Izražena stališča in mnenja so zgolj stališča in mnenja avtorja(-ev) in ni nujno, da odražajo stališča in mnenja Evropske unije ali EU programa CERV. Zanje ne moreta biti odgovorna niti Evropska unija niti CERV. / Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CERV. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
F: Nada Žgank
About project:
“Quality is in the stitches. That’s what a friend told me.”
The secret of life is in the stitches, not in having no scars. From good stitches, a good life blossoms. For some the stitches heal, for others they do not. Some put their lives back together after a tragedy, others do not. Some go abroad, others stay at home. Some are pussies, others are drunks. Some were on one side, others on the other, but all have looked at each other’s underpants and stared into each other’s eyes. Some have killed, raped, lied. Some lifted weights on the roof of the building, ignoring the snipers. “I’d rather die like a bird than like a rat! Let them blow me up in broad daylight!” The performance Stitches, based on a text by musician, writer and performer Damir Avdić, is based on an autobiographical story from the time of the war on the territory of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. The aim is to tell the stories that happened. To him, to her, to you, to that one, to them, about them, to us. The fact that the former common state was bloodily torn apart at the seams has created thousands of new stitches, which – consciously or unconsciously – we all carry. Stitches are the framework for the here and now. Stitches are stories that are never fully healed. No entry for conceptual artists.
O projektu:
»Kakovost je v šivih. To mi je rekel prijatelj.«
Skrivnost življenja je v šivih, ne v tem, da nimaš brazgotin. Iz dobrih šivov vzcveti dobro življenje. Nekaterim se šivi zacelijo, drugim se ne. Nekateri si po tragediji uredijo življenje, drugi ne. Nekateri gredo v tujino, drugi ostanejo doma. Nekateri so pičke, drugi pijanci. Nekateri so bili na eni strani, drugi na oni, a vsi so eden drugemu gledali v gate in zrli v oči. Nekateri so ubijali, posiljevali, lagali. Nekateri so dvigovali uteži na strehi bloka in se niso zmenili za ostrostrelce. »Raje umrem kot ptič kot podgana! Naj me razstrelijo pri belem dnevu!« Predstava Šivi po besedilni predlogi glasbenika, pisca in performerja Damirja Avdića je nastala po avtobiografskih pričevanjih iz časa vojne na ozemlju nekdanje Jugoslavije v devetdesetih letih. Cilj je povedati zgodbe, ki so se zgodile. Njemu, njej, tebi, onemu, njim, o njih, nam. Dejstvo, da se je nekdanja skupna država krvavo razklala po šivih, je povzročilo na tisoče novih šivov, ki jih – zavedno ali nezavedno – nosimo vsi. Šivi so okvir za tukaj in zdaj. Šivi so nikoli do konca zaceljene zgodbe. Konceptualnim umetnikom je vstop prepovedan.
INFO. / REZ.: 040 345 477, plesniteaterljubljana@gmail.com, mojekarte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 10/7€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors) predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / booking in advance or an hour before the performance at our theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture