ŠvarcTanc = ŠvarcTanc
Avtorji in izvajalci / Authors and Performers: ŠvarcTanc
Oblikovanje zvoka / Sound Design: Aleš Zorec
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting Design: Barbara Pirih
Kostumi / Costumes: ŠvarcTanc
Foto / Photo: Drago Videmšek
Oblikovanje tiskovin / Printed Materials Design: Lea Dežman
Mentorica / Mentor: Ana Pandur
ŠvarcTanc: Judita Corn, Amadej Juranovič, Barbara Pirih, Jasna Premelč, Eva Prodan in Mojca Štefanič
Produkcija / Produced by: PKD Flamenko v sodelovanju s Plesnim Teatrom Ljubljana / PKD Flamenko in collaboration with Dance Theatre Ljubljana
Projekt sta finančno podprla Mestna občina Ljubljana in JSKD RS / The project was financially supported by the City of Ljubljana and Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities – JSKD
INFO. / REZ.: drustvo.flamenko@gmail.com, Moje karte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 10/8€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v gledališču / prior reservation or an hour before the performance at the theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulture RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
Foto / Photo: Drago Videmšek
O predstavi
Glavno gibalo spremembe je identiteta.
Uzurpacija utečene strukture in konteksta, ki sta prisvojena in predrugačena v glavno gibalo spremembe. Mehanizem in avtomatizem vsakdana kot vzroka odtujenosti pretvarjata posameznika v objekt brez mesa in pomena, ujetega v spirale in medprostore. V nenehnem boju proti tej drži želimo svoj subjekt oživeti in tako se vselej znova borimo z dejstvom, da smo zadrugega le objekt, oropan pravega pomena. V iskanju možnosti, da se iztrgamo, ustvarjamo svoje valovanje, ukrivljamo čas in prostor po lastnih željah. Iščemo možnost, da povečamo svojo energijo, postanemo bolj masivni, izrazitejši, privlačnejši, osovraženi, zavrženi, pripadniki ali odpadniki. Flamenko je medij, ki nam to omogoča, potencira gib, ga podčrta, mu doda maso, meso in pomen.
„Jaz sem rdeča raketa, vžigam se in gorim in ugašam. // Povsod je tišina: na polju, na nebu, v oblakih, le jaz bežim, gorims svojim ognjem pekočim in ne morem tišine doseči.“ (S. Kosovel, Rdeča raketa).
About the performance
Identity is the main driving force of change.
Usurpation of the established structure and context, appropriated and remodeled into the main driver of change. Mechanism and automatism of the everyday as the causes of alienation are converting individual into an object with no flash and no meaning, caught in the spirals and interspaces. In the constant fight against such attitude, we seek to revive our subject, and are thus constantly struggling with the fact that we are nothing more than an object to the other, deprived of our true meaning. Looking for an opportunity to tear ourselves out of this, we are creating our own waving, we are bending space and time according to our liking. We are looking for an opportunity to increase our energy, to become more massive, more prominent, more attractive, hated, rejected, conformists or dissidents. Flamenco is a medium that enables us to achieve this, that intensifies and highlights the motion, adding weight, flesh and meaning to it.
„I am a red rocket, igniting, burning, dying. // Everywhere is silence: in the fields, in the sky, in the clouds, I’m the only one escaping, burning with my scalding fire and I can’t reach the silence.” (S. Kosovel, Red Rocket).
O avtorjih
ŠvarcTanc je mlada ustvarjalna ekipa šestih plesalcev, ki svoj plesni prvenec predstavlja v okviru PKD Flamenko, kjerže več let plešejo pod vodstvom Ane Pandur. V projektu, ki podvaja ime ekipe, se ukvarjajo s komunikacijo, zmedsebojnimi odnosi in z izhodiščno platformo, ki druži sicer heterogeno skupino posameznikov. Z gibalnim in ritmičnim kodom flamenka in z ogrodjem, strukturo in ritmičnimi zapovedmi, ki delujejo kot podlaga, konstanta in poziv k spremembi in raziskavi.
About the authors
ŠvarcTanc is a young creative team of six dancers, presenting their dance debut within PKD Flamenko, where they have been dancing under the direction of Ana Pandur for many years. In their project, whose name duplicates the name of the group, they are dealing with communication, interpersonal relationships, and the baseline platform that unites the otherwise heterogeneous group of individuals. They use momentum and rhythmic code of flamenco, as well as the frame, structure and rhythmical commandments, acting as the basis, the constant and the call for change and research.