Gisela Elisa Heredia
plesna predstava iz tujine / a dance performance from abroad
Koreografinja / Choreographer: Gisela Elisa Heredia (ARG)
Plesalci / Dancers: Cäcilia Färber (DE), Elda Gallo (IT), Anna Possarnig (AUT), Jerca Rožnik Novak (SLO), Martin Wax (DE)
Asistentka koreografije / Assistant of Choreography: Denise Nguyen (AUT)
Produkcija / Produced by: collective
Koprodukcija gostovanja / Co-production of the Event: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
INFO. / REZ.: 041-707-475,,, Moje karte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 10/8€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v gledališču / prior reservation or an hour before the performance at the theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
Foto / Photo: Christian Ariel Heredia
O predstavi
Dim cigarete, pol polna skodelica kapučina – zanikrna kavarna v ozadju – mesto v temi, vendar v luči. Rdeče hitenje obleke, vlečenje čevljev na izplesanem odru … Tukaj med dimom in kapučinom se objamete, minljivo ali za vedno… in med njimi, naša Jerca!
About the performance
The smoke of a cigarette, a half full cup of cappuccino – a shabby cafe in the background - the city in darkness yet in light. The rushing red of a dress, the dragging of shoes on the danced-off stage... Here between smoke and cappuccino you embrace each other, fleeting or forever… and among them, our Jerca!
O avtorici
Gisela Elisa Heredia (Cordoba, Argentina) je študirala sodobni ples in koreografijo na Univerzi v Cordobi in bila članica plesne skupine Desde el Vamos. Prejela je 2 nagradi za najboljšo koreografijo na festivalu Latinoamericano de Danza Contemporanea v Argentini. Danes živi na Dunaju in kot koreografinja in plesalka ustvarja za festivale in gledališča, med njimi Steirischer Herbst, Tanzquartier Wien, TanzTag Wien v Avstriji ter Švici, Belgiji, Nemčiji, na Madžarskem, Argentini. Leta 2009 je dala pobudo in ustanovila kolektiv, da bi olajšala možnost za interdisciplinarno delo, prepletanje in razpravo z različnimi umetniškimi zvrstmi. Kot koreografinja se podpisuje pod tem znakom in kolektivom več kot 8 let. Leta 2016 je za svoje umetniško in koreografsko delo prejela nagrado “Avantgarde Award”.
About the author
Gisela Elisa Heredia is from Córdoba, Argentina where she studied contemporary dance and choreography at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. She became a member of the dance company Desde el Vamos”. She got two Awards for the best Choreography at the Festival Latinoamericano de Danza Contemporanea in Argentina. Now she is living in Vienna, working as choreographer and dancer for festivals and theatres, among them SteirischeHerbst, Tanzquartier Wien, TanzTag Wien in Austria and in Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Argentina. In 2009 she initiated collective to facilitate the possibilities of interdisciplinary work, fusion and debate with different kind of arts. She works as choreographer with this label and collective for over 8 years. In 2016 Gisela received the “Avantgarde Award” for her artistic and choreographic work.