29. 6. - Ljubljana - Trnovska plaža - 20.00
Koncept, koreografija, glasba in izvedba / Concept, Choreography, Music, Performed by: ANDREA AGUADO CAMPO, LARA MATEA IVANČIČ
Duet Čas taljenja je baziran na različnih obdobjih čakanja na nekaj pričakovanega. Potuje skozi stanja, ki jih plesalki sami doživljata v tem nekem nedoločenem času. Pogrešanje nečesa, česar nikoli nisi imel, ker je bil to le plod tvoje domišljije ali navdušenje nad nečim, kar se nikoli ne zgodi. Izvajalki izhajata iz osebnih zgodb, ki jih skozi gib pretvarjata v nova pričakovanja brez očitnega konca.
Melting time is a duet, based on different periods of waiting for something expected. Two dancers undergo various states in this undefined time. The missing of something that you never had, because it was merely existing in your imagination, or the getting excited over something that never happens. Performers are inspired by personal stories, that through movement they transfer into new expectations without the obvious conclusion.
F: Isabela Bianchi