30. 6. - Ljubljana - Botanični vrt - 18.00
2. 7. - Ljubljana - Botanični vrt - 10.00
Senzorično-gibalen sprehod za otroke in odrasle / Sensory-movement Walk for Children and Adults
Koncept in izvedba / Concept, Performed by: BARBARA KANC
Dramaturški nasvet / Dramaturgy Assistant: NIKA ARHAR
Produkcija / Produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA
Botanični vrt
To je in ni tisti običajen vrt, v katerega ponavadi vstopim.
Je vrt v vrtu.
Tam je, med drugim, dnevna soba. In srebrno morje. Drevo, šelest, zelenje, hoja po nebu.
To je kraj za zgodbe, za čarnost. Čas za potovanje.
Vrt je koreografija perspektiv, ki otroke in odrasle popelje po izbranih kotičkih botaničnega vrta v Ljubljani. Običajen pogled obrne na glavo, pa tudi navzgor, navznoter in čez. Na sprehodu udeleženci raziskujejo dani prostor, vizualni in gibalni elementi na poti pa gradijo nov poetičen prostor za domišljijo.
Zunaj/znotraj (in vmes) je projekt, ki raziskuje in preizprašuje izbrane fizične in javne prostore, naše dojemanje, umeščanje, naseljevanje in spreminjanje le-teh. Ukvarja se s tem v kaj nas dani prostor vabi in znotraj tega išče premostitve običajne uporabe. Pojavlja se v različnih oblikah, tokrat kot senzorično-gibalen sprehod skozi enega najstarejših botaničnih vrtov na jugovzhodnem delu Evrope.
Botanical garden
This is and isn’t the same garden that you usually enter.
It’s a garden within a garden.
There is a living room amidst. And a sparkly silver sea. The trees, some rustle, greenery and walkings in the sky.
This is the place for stories, for magic. Time for an adventure.
A garden is a choreography of perspectives that takes children and adults along selected places of Ljubljana’s botanical garden. It turns the ‘normal’ gaze upside down, as well as up, into and across the horizon. During the walk, the participants explore the given space, alongside the visual, sensory and movement interventions in space. Together we build a new, imaginative and poetic space.
Outside/inside (and in between) is a project that explores and questions selected physical and public spaces; our perceptions, placement, inhabiting and our possible influences. It is looking for things that the given space invites us into and seeks to bridge the many possible and imaginative uses. It appears in different forms, this time as a sensory-movement walk through one of the oldest botanical gardens in south-eastern Europe.