Gyula Cserepes
Koncept, koreografija in ples / Concept, Choreography and Dance: Gyula Cserepes
Ples / Dance: Nina Fajdiga
Umetniško svetovanje in dramaturgija / Artistic Advise and Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting Desing: Luka Curk
Avtorska glasba / Music: Januš Aleš Lužnar
Kostumografija / Costume Design: Urška Recer
Producentka / Producer: Katja Somrak Produkcija
Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana – PRVENEC PTL 2013 / DEBUT PTL 2013
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport ter Mestna občina Ljubljana.
The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, and the Municipality of Ljubljana.
PREMIERA/ PREMIERE: 24. 4. 2013 ob 21.00
Ponovitvi * Reprises: 25. In/and 26. 4. 2013 ob 21.00
O predstavi
“Cigan” kot simbol sodobnega umetnika in hkrati ideal popolne svobode bivanja in delovanja skozi oblike nenehnega potovanja je izhodišče, na podlagi katerega se je v januarju 2013 v Plesnem Teatru Ljubljana začela prva faza ustvarjalnega procesa New Age Gypsies pod vodstvom koreografa in plesalca Gyule Cserepesa, v katerem poleg plesalke Nino Fajdiga sodelujejo še: Andreja Kopač, Januš Aleš Luznar in Luka Curk. Na “potovanju” skozi različne vidike sodobnega nomadstva je ključno vprašanje za ustvarjalce, kaj svoboda pomeni v okviru gibanja, ali je ta zgolj iluzija, in kako slednja deluje tako v omejujoči sedanjosti kot pradavni preteklosti, ki je še vedno del nas.
About the performance
“Gypsy” as a symbol of a contemporary artist and at the same time an ideal of total freedom of being and working through ways of constant travel is the starting point, from where the first fase of the creative process of New Age Gypsies started to develop in January 2013 at Plesni Teater Ljubljana, led by choreographer and dancer Gyula Scerepes in which beside dancer Nina Fajdiga also collaborate: Andreja Kopač, Januš Aleš Luznar and Luka Curk. “Traveling” through different aspects of contemporary nomadism the key question for performers is, what freedom means in the frame of movement, is it just an illusion, and how the latter functions both, in the restrictive present as well as in the ancient past that is still a part of us.