26.-30. JUNIJ / JUNE 2017: 10.00-13.00
Za dame stare med 60 in 80 let (ali morda več … ?) / For ladies who are between 60 and 80 years old (or more ..?)
Program dela
Vedno delam z zelo organskim ogrevanjem, s telesom na tleh, na stolu in stoje v prostoru. Vsak dan drugačne vsebine s skupnimi jedri.
Govorili bomo o tematskih vsebinah in se osredotočili na nekatere med njimi v odprtih strukturah, kjer nam bo improvizacija pomagala ustvariti koreografsko jedro.
Delali bomo z že izdelanimi strukturami, ki jih je mogoče prilagoditi novim informacijam, ki se pojavijo, povezane z gibanjem, pa tudi z glasbo.
Kot koreografinja čutim potrebo občutiti, da je vsaka oseba kreativna in da lahko brez večjih težav prikaže svojo lepoto. In to je moje delo, sposobnost, da pri vsakem plesalcu dosežem velikodušnost, da svojo lepoto izpostavi v skupini.
Z gibom lahko delamo na abstrakten način, v razmerju do prostora in do ostalih plesalcev. Zame je najosnovnejši in najbolj dosegljiv način delovanje iz kostne strukture, ki mu sledi poglobljeno raziskovanje percepcije.
Delavnica temelji na metodah: Feldenkreis, tehnika Susan Klein in qigong.
Tranzicija od tistega, kar je lahko, k zavezanosti.
INFO/ REZ: katja.somrak@ptl-lj.si, 041 365 184
O delavnici
Počaščena sem, da lahko sodelujem s skupino dam, starih med 60 in 80 let (ali morda več … ?). To pa zato, ker se bom lahko prek telesa ukvarjala s pojmom, ki me je očaral: s srečo. Privlači me ideja o času, namenjenemu užitku, o zrelosti kot času in prostoru telesa, ki v polnosti živi življenje in se je odločilo, da živi. Ko smo tam, kjer želimo biti, po vseh teh poglavjih, vseh nesrečah in odločitvah, ki smo jih sprejeli v življenju. Mislim, da je to čas, poln bogastva, ki ga je potrebno deliti, izpostaviti, izraziti.
Moja ideja je delati iz plesa in giba na način, ki nam omogoči, da pokažemo svoje izkušnje, iz svojih sedanjih teles, z njihovimi znamenji življenja, ki je bilo živeto, rabljenih čevljev. In želim se osredotočiti na SREČO, na ta občutek, ki izvira iz veselja, da sem, kdor sem. Zadovoljstvo biti sposoben pogledati se v ogledalo in prepoznati vso pot, ki sem jo prehodila s svojo lastno identiteto.
Govoriti o stvareh, ki smo se jih lotili, o dejanjih, ki smo si jih drznili narediti, o stvareh, ki nam niso pripadale, a smo jih na koncu vseeno naredili in so nam dale identiteto zrele osebe, ki je naredila samo sebe, ki ni odvisna od drugih.
Govoriti o telesu, njegovih navadah, pregrehah, skrbeh, ljubezni, brazgotinah …
O poklicih, ki si jih je vsak med nami želel opravljati ali si jih je izbral … Rada bi … bila postala zdravnica.
Postavljati vprašanja, kot so:
Ali se počutiš intelektualno pogumno?
Pa lepota, kako si živela z njo? Mirno, nestrpno?
Komu bi kričala?
Kaj je nostalgija?
Ali moramo biti v življenju pragmatični?
Govoriti o uresničenih in neuresničenih željah.
Ambicijah … mojih, kot … osebe, kot ženske, ki stremim k
Kako si? Te tvoja družina spoštuje?
Ali kdo do tebe nima spoštovanja?
Si kdaj že koga ugriznila iz čistega besa?
Nisi razumela, kaj se je zgodilo, a si navajena stati.
Opiši mi tri dobre trenutke v življenju.
Povej mi o nekom, ki ga občuduješ.
Ali si levičarka ali desničarka? Imaš rada politiko?
Vse te tematike bi rada imela v svojem ustvarjalnem skladišču, da bi jih lahko uporabila kot spodbude, da bi jih preizkusila z vidika improvizacijskih struktur ter ustvarila male zgodbe v gibanju.
Work schedule
I always work with a very organic warm-up, from the body on the floor, in chairs and stand up in space. Everyday different contents with common cores.
Talk about thematic contents and focus some of them in open structures where improvisation will help us to build the choreography core.
We will work with already designed structures that are able to be adapted to new information that appears, related to movement and also to music.
As a choreographer I have the necessity of feeling that every person is creative and can deliver her beauty without many problems. And this is my work, be able to attract each dancer generosity to expose it into the group.
We can work with movement in an abstract way, working with relation with space and with other dancers. Working from bones structure is the most basic and attainable way of working for me, to go then in depth into perception.
My referents are Feldenkrais Method, Susan Klein release and chi-gong.
To transit from what is easy to commitment.
INFO/ REZ: katja.somrak@ptl-lj.si, 041 365 184
About the workshop
It is a privilege to have the chance of working with a group of ladies who are between 60 and 80 years old (or more ..?). It is because of the fact that I will be able to tackle from body a question that captivates me: happiness. I am seduced by the idea of a time for pleasure, maturity as the time and space of a body who lives fully the life it has decided to live. We are where we want to be, after so many rounds, accidents, decisions made in life. I think that it is a time full of wealth to be shared, exposed and made present.
My idea is to work from dance and movement in a way that make us able to show our experiences, from our current bodies: with its signs of a life that has been lived, of used shoes. And I am interested on focusing HAPPINESS, this feeling rooted to the joy of being who I am. Satisfaction of being able to look at myself in the mirror and recognise all the way I have walked with my own identity.
Talking about things we have started, things we have dared to do, things that didn’t belong to us for education, but we have finally done and it has given us the identity of a mature person who has made herself, who is not dependent from others.
Talking about body, body’s habits, vices, caress, love, scars…
About professions, the occupation that each one of us has wished or has chosen to do… I would … liked to be a doctor.
Formulate questions, like, for example:
Do you feel intellectually brave?
And beauty, how have you lived it? Calmly, impatiently?
Who would you scream to?
What is nostalgia?
Do we have to be pragmatic in life?
Talking about reached and unreached wishes.
Ambitions… me, as a …person, as a woman, aspire to
How are you? Does your family respect you?
Has someone a lack of respect for you?
Have you ever bitten someone for pure fury?
You didn’t understand what happened, but you are used to stand.
Tell me three good moments in your life.
Chose someone you admire.
Are you leftist or right-wing? Do you like politics?
I am interested on having all these issues into my creative warehouse to use them as incentives to test them from improvisation structures and build small tales in movement.
Foto / Photo: Sunčan Stone
O avtorici
Skupina Mariantònia Oliver že dolgo deluje na področju uprizoritvenih umetnosti na Balearskih otokih, kamor je prišla leta 2000. Je rezidenčna skupina v Centru kulture Ca Ses Monges, kjer ustvarja predstave, s katerimi želi ples približati široki javnosti. Njen repertoar vključuje predstave, namenjene odrasli publiki, in predstave za vsa občinstva, s katerimi gostuje po Španiji in na številnih mednarodnih festivalih. (Cecilia Molano)
Mariantònia Oliver je po študiju gledališča na Mallorci izobraževanje nadaljevala na Institutu Del Teatre in ga zaključila na Opelding MD v Amsterdamu. Leta 1989 je ustanovila skupino Companyía Mariantònia Oliver, ki je dobitnica več državnih in mednarodnih nagrad. Sledila je serija predstav in krajših del, ki jih je predstavljala v Veliki Britaniji, Franciji, na Nizozemskem, v Italiji, Venezueli in Španiji. Sodelovala je tudi z Markom Tompkinsom, Tomásom Aragayjem, Katie Duck, Kirstie Simson, Murray Louis, Marto Renzi in drugimi. Leta 2000 se je vrnila na Mallorco, kjer je razvila izobraževalne in umetniške projekte za otroke, z avtorskimi deli pa nastopa tako doma kot v tujini.
About the Author
The Mariantònia Oliver dance company has been active in the field of performing arts on the Balearic Islands since 2000 when its founder moved to Mallorca. It is the residence group in the Ca Ses Monges cultural centre where they perform and deliver their knowledge of dance to the general public. Their creative work is aimed at both family and adult audiences and they tour in Spain and at a number of international festivals. (Cecilia Molano)
After finishing the study of theatre in Mallorca, Mariantònia Oliver pursued her education in the Instituto Del Teatre and completed it at Opelding MD in Amsterdam. In 1989 she founded the Companyía Mariantònia Oliver which received several national and international awards. Her professional career continued with a series of performances and shorter works that were presented in the UK, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Venezuela and Spain. She has worked with Mark Tompkins, Tomás Aragay, Katie Duck, Kirstie Simson, Murray Louis, Marta Renzi and others. In 2002, Mariantònia Oliver settled in Mallorca where she developed educational and art programmes for children while she continues to produce original projects both at home and abroad.