Se vam zdi, da je ponovno nastopila pandemska zima? ❄️
Tu prilagamo zbirko orodij v duhu lanskega poletja in utelešenim znanjem zime pred tem. 🧰🎬
Za kaj so ta orodja uporabna? 👀
Za vsakokrat, ko ste v težavah, v krizi ali se preprosto znova počutite izolirano.
Kaj morate storiti?
Ponastavite svoj gumb, plešite, berite, smejte se in se zabavajte z idejami Terese Hoffmann, Jolyane Langlois, Barbare Kanc, Katarine Barbare Kavčič, Julie Keren Turbahn in Nikoline Komljenović.
Teh šest umetnikov bo delilo svoje strategije odpornosti, ki so jih pripravili med izolacijo.
Ta orodjarna je bila del mednarodnega Laba mreže Generator "WORKING TOGETHER WORKING APART" v FELD Theater für junges Publikum.
Feels like pandemic winter again? ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
Here comes a toolbox 🧰 with the spirit of last summer and the embodied knowledge of the winter before.
For what? 👂
For any time you are in trouble, in a crisis, or just feeling isolated again.
What do you need to do? 👇
Reset your button and dance, read, laugh, and have fun with ideas from Teresa Hoffmann, Jolyane Langlois, Barbara Kanc, Katarina Barbara, Julia Keren, and Nikolina Komljenovic.
These six artists will share their strategies of resilience they came up with throughout the lockdowns.
This Toolbox was part of the Generator's International Lab "WORKING TOGETHER WORKING APART" at FELD Theater für junges Publikum.
Koncept, kamera in grafični naslovi / Concept, Camera Work & Graphic Titles: Dejan Košćak
Snemalni in grafični elementi / Filming & Graphic Elements: Paul Holdsworth
Montaža in postprodukcija / Editing & Postproduction: Daniela del Pomar
Glasba / Music: The stoic and the sailor - Unicorn heads
Financirano s strani / Financed by: A "Neustart culture - young audiences" in collaboration with the pilot project promotion for dance residencies, Senate Department of Culture and Europe, and with the Generator Platform which is supported by the Kultura Nova Foundation