Ambientalnost kot živa arhitektura kulture mesta
Festival plesnih perspektiv UKREP se že od leta 2008 ukvarja z razvojnimi strategijami sodobnega plesa v Sloveniji in ukrepa na področjih, ki se zaradi izobraževalnih, produkcijskih, promocijskih idr. deficitov na našem sodobnoplesnem prizorišču kažejo kot pereča.
Tematski fokus letošnjega festivala so lokacijsko posebne uprizoritvene prakse. Metaforično odpiranje proti mestu in meščanom je skupni imenovalec celotnega programa, ki bo spremenil in razdrl kodificirana pravila obnašanja določenih javnih prostorov. Letošnji program festivala ne čaka na občinstvo, temveč mu pristopa na najbolj nekonvencionalnih mestih za umetnost in spreminja kolektivno percepcijo okolice. Vsebina bo naključnemu občinstvu približana tako, da bo dis/re/locirana na pomembna vozlišča mesta. S kolektivnimi intervencijami, ki iznenada vzniknejo na javnih krajih, se lahko vsaj za trenutek povežemo v potencialno drugačnem svetu, kjer lahko sestavimo nova pravila. S tem, ko se plesna umetnost iz plesnih dvoran razširi v javni prostor, pa se poruši tudi zid, ki ga marsikdaj lahko ustvarja vase zaprto umetniško ustvarjanje. Ples tako postane del urbane slike mesta, gibalni izraz iz ambientalnosti črpa neposredni utrip in recipročno na njega spontano in aktivno vpliva. Vzajemnost plesa in javnega okolja postaneta gibanje mesta. Premik v mesto postane premik proti občinstvu. Premik postane gibanje. Gib postane ples. UKREP postane ples mesta. Mesto pa postane soplesalec.
Letos, ko je urbani kontekst pomemben del programskega koncepta festivala, bomo pomen mesta in mestnega okolja odprli tudi geografsko. Program bo namreč realiziran na različnih lokacijah v Mariboru in v Ljubljani. Festival letos zavzema ime RAIL2DANCE4UKREP, saj ga združujemo z zaključkom evropskega projekta Rail2Dance. Predstavili se bodo številni lokalni in mednarodni umetniki (Avstrija, Finska, Švedska, Nemčija, Španija, Južna Koreja).
Ujemite nas in skupaj z nami začrtajte nov plesni zemljevid mesta.
Ambientality as a lively architecture and culture of the city
Since 2008 the Festival of Dance Perspectives UKREP deals with development strategies of contemporary dance in Slovenia and acts on fields that suffer due to educational, productional, promotional or other deficits on our contemporary dance scene.
Focus of this year’s festival are site-specific performative practices.The common ground of the whole programme is a metaphorical opening up towards the city and its’ citizens, that will change and disassemble the codified rules of behaviour in certain public spaces. This year’s festival programme is not waiting for its audience but is approaching it on the most unconventional spaces for art, changing the collective perception of the surroundings. The content will be brought close to the bypassing audiences by dis/re/locating on the most important hubs of the city. By randomly merging collective interventions in public spaces, we can for a moment connect in a potentially different world filled up with new rules. Putting dance art from theatres to alternative outdoor spaces demolishes the problematics that contemporary art is facing by staying enclosed and therefore misunderstood. Dance becomes an urban image of the city since movement is inspired by surrounding ambience and mutually affects the surrounding. Reciprocality of dance and urbanism becomes a movement of the city. A move towards the city becomes a move towards an audience. A move becomes a movement. Movement becomes a dance. UKREP becomes a dance of the city. The city becomes a dance partner.
This year’s urban context of the festival widens up also geographically by offering performances in Maribor and Ljubljana. The conclusion of the European project Rail2Dance coincides with the dates of the festival that is why it carries the name RAIL2DANCE4UKREP. Local and international (Austria, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Spain, South Korea) artists will be presented.
Catch us around and trace with us a new dance map of the city.
*Obisk festivala je brezplaćen / All festival events are free of charge
INFO.: 040 345 477,
Ekipa festivala / Festival Team:
Umetniško vodstvo, organizacija, produkcija / Artistic Management, Organisation, Production: KATJA SOMRAK
Stiki z javnostjo, pomoč pri organizaciji in produkciji / PR, Organisation, Production Assistance: ALJA LACKOVIĆ, MANCA TRAMPUŠ, KAJA JANJIĆ, NATALIJA MANOJLOVIĆ, ŽIVA BRECELJ, GORAN PAKOZDI
Tehnična ekipa / Technical Team: JANKO OVEN, MARTIN LOVŠIN, KAJA JANJIĆ
Spremno besedilo / Accompanying text: ALJA LACKOVIĆ
Prevodi in lektura / Translations, Proofreading: TADEJ TURNŠEK, ALJA LACKOVIĆ
Grafično oblikovanje / Graphic Design: PRIMOŽ PISLAK
Zahvale / Thanks to: Marko Brumen, Tanja Rotovnik, Katja Malovrh, Nina Meško, Mara Anjoli Vujić
Plesni Teater Ljubljana je za UKREP, Festival plesnih perspektiv prejel evropsko nagrado za izjemen festival »Znak EFFE 2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023« s strani mednarodne žirije Evropske festivalske zveze (EFA). / Dance Theatre Ljubljana received European award “EFFE Label 2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023” for “Remarkable Festival” selected by the international festival jury of European Festival Association (EFA).
RAIL2DANCE4UKREP 2023: Festival plesnih perspektiv sodi v program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana. Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana je v javnem interesu na področju kulture in umetnosti ter ga sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana. / RAIL2DANCE4UKREP 2023: Festival of Dance Perspectives is part of the programme of Dance Theatre Ljubljana (PTL). The programme of PTL is in the public interest in the field of culture and art and is subsidised by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana.