Urša Rupnik
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Avtorice in plesalke / Authorship and Dance: Tina Benko, Ema Križič, Urša Rupnik
Koreografsko svetovanje / Choreographic Advice: Maša Kagao Knez
Avtorska glasba / Music: David Kocmur
Produkcija / Produced by: Studio za svobodni ples, društvo / Contemporary Dance Studio
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana, Studio XXV
Projekt je podprl / Supported by: JSKD
INFO. / REZ.: ursa.rupnik@gmail.com, 031 216-439, Moje karte
Foto / Photo: Urša Rupnik
O predstavi
»Sanjamo in sanje počasi vstopajo v naše resnično življenje. Sanje postajajo resničnost in resničnost se spreminja v sanje. Vse, kar sanjaš, postane na koncu resnično.« (Psihomagija, A. Jodorowsky)
Plesno predstavo z naslovom Utvare / Prevare sestavljajo posamezne scene, ki so vsaka prizor zase in tako ustvarjajo preskoke med različnimi realnostmi, svetovi, sanjskimi pokrajinami, znotraj katerih pripovedujejo različne zgodbe, opisujejo dogodke, ustvarjajo odnose ... Rdečo nit tvori gibalni jezik, ki se ukvarja z raziskovanjem dotika, ki vodi, manipulira in sledi glavi. Človeška glava kot najbolj reprezentativen del osebe, kot prostor uma, intelekta, duhovnosti in emocianlnosti. Praktično vse dojemanje in doživljanje je v »naših glavah«. In človeški dotik kot tisti, ki ustvari človeka in tisti, ki oblikuje osebo.
About the performance
»We are dreaming and the dream is slowly entering our real life. Dreams become reality and reality is turning into dreams. in the end, everything you dream becomes real.« (Psychomagic, A. Jodorowsky)
Our dance piece is a collage of independent sections, each being a scene of its own and therefore creating transitions between different realities, worlds, dream landscapes. Within these imaginary spaces they convey stories, describe events, create relationships. The underlying form of the piece is structured upon a specific movement language that explores the touch – the touch that guides, manipulates and follows the head. Human head as the most representative (body)part of a person, a place of mind, intellect, spirituality and emotionality – basically the place of all human perception and experience is “in the head”. And the human touch as the one that constitutes a human being and the one that builds a person.