Sanja Nešković
plesno-gledališka predstava / a dance-theatre performance
Koncept, režija in koreografija / Concept, Direction, Choreography: SANJA NEŠKOVIĆ PERŠIN
Nastopajoči in soustvarjalci predstave / Performers and Co-creators: POLETT KASZA, MATEJA ŽELEZNIK, LUKA BOKŠAN
Glasbenik / Musician: DAVOR HERCEG
Avtorska glasba / Original Music: SAŠO KALAN, DAVOR HERCEG
Kostumografija / Costume Design: UROŠ BELANTIČ
Scenografija / Set Design: EMA KOBAL, MILA PERŠIN
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: JAKA ŠIMENC
Fotografija naslovnice / Cover photo: EMA KOBAL
Avtorica teksta / Author of text: AJDA ANA KOCUTAR
V sodelovanju / In Collaboration with: Prostor za umetnost NÓT in Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane
O predstavi:
Kolektivni avtorski projekt Skrito ima baletno jedro, a so njegovo izhodišče tiste točke, v katerih svet, ki mu vladajo trdna struktura in vseobsegajočapravila, naleti na človeško naravo, omejitve telesa in duha ter obenem na silo, ki baletno plesalko ali plesalca vodi vselej naprej. Nastopajoči se vračajo v najbolj banalne situacije, ki zaznamujejo vsakdanjik plesalk in plesalcev, jih privedejo do abstrakcije, se s tem od njih oddaljijo in si jih hkrati znova prisvojijo ter tako presežejo utesnjujoča pravila, ko poskušajo utelesiti baletni svet, ki jih sicer obvladuje. Predstava pa navsezadnje ne naslavlja le baletnega sveta, njegovih pravil in dinamik, temveč izstopajoč iz baleta išče nekaj obče človeškega in kaže na to, da je motivacija za dejanje ali reakcijo zasidrana globlje ter balet le ena od njenih manifestacij.
About the performance:
The collective project Hidden has a ballet core, but its starting point is those points where the world, ruled by a solid structure and all-encompassing rules, encounters human nature, limitations of body and mind and at the same time the force that always leads a ballet dancer. The performers return to the most banal situations that mark the daily lives of dancers, lead them to abstraction, distance themselves from them and re-adopt them, thus overcoming the oppressive rules when trying to embody the ballet world they otherwise control. After all, the performance not only addresses the ballet world, its rules and dynamics, but stepping out of ballet seeks something universally human and shows that the motivation for action or reaction is anchored deeper and ballet is just one of its manifestations.
Izsek iz kritike:
»Tako predstava […] izpostavlja tisto, kar je običajno v ozadju, prikrito pred pogledom drugega. Pravzaprav ne gre toliko za prikrivanje, kot za odkrivanje nekih skritih tendenc posameznika, njegovega odnosa do sebe, svojega telesa in duha ter nato v nekih trenutkih njegovega odnosa do zunanjega prostora.« Aleksandra Saška Gruden
Excerpts from Press Review:
“The performance exposes everything that is usually put behind, hidden from the spectator. Actually it is not so much about hiding as it is about revealing the mysterious tendencies of individuals, their relation to oneself, their body and soul and in some moments their relation to outer space.” Aleksandra Saška Gruden
INFO. / REZ.: 041 707 475,, Moje karte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 10/8€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v gledališču / prior reservation or an hour before the performance at the theatre
F: Iva Suhadolnik Gregorin
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture