Mitja Obed in Fernando Leria Jiménez: Q.E.D.: SEDIMENTI
Alicia Acuna in Emblematika: NARCOTABLAO
večer eksperimentalnega in underground flamenka / a double bill night of rebellious flamenco
Mitja Obed & Fernando Leria Jiménez: Q.E.D.: SEDIMENTI
Ples in zasnova / Dance and Concept: MITJA OBED
Glasba in projekcije / Music and Video Installation: FERNANDO LERIA JIMĖNEZ
Alicia Acuña & Emblematika: NARCOTABLAO
Glas / Voice: ALICIA ACUŇA
Glasba in mix / Music and Mix: EMBLEMATIKA
Projekcije / Video Installations: LOS VOLUBLE
Ples / Dance: MITJA OBED
Koproducent / Co-Produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA
Večer je del cikla Espacio flamenco in je sofinanciran s strani Ministrstva za kulturo Republike Slovenije, Mestne občine Ljubljana, Ambasade Kraljevine Španije v Sloveniji in programa Culture moves Europe. / This work was produced with the financial assistance of the Ministry of Culture of Republic Slovenia, the Municipality of Ljubljana, the Spanish Embassy in Ljubljana and the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.
An evening of two rebellious flamenco performances, "The Dirty Triangle Madrid-Ljubljana-Seville," merges the cultural richness of flamenco with the energy and innovation of the electronic scene. The evolution of the dancing body, driven by the mechanisms of external inputs, is dissected in "Sedimenti," exploring the sonic quality of the body and the WORD. In the second part of the evening, we move into "Narcotablao," an extraordinary groovy event infused with the melodies of the Spanish south.
Večer dveh uporniških predstav flamenka, umazani trikotnik Madrid-Ljubljana-Sevilla, spaja kulturno bogastvo flamenka z energijo in inovativnostjo elektronske scene. Evolucija plesnega telesa, ki jo poganja kolesje zunanjih inputov, v predstavi Sedimenti secira zvočnost telesa in BESEDE, v drugem delu večera pa se preselimo v Narcotablao, izjemen groovy dogodek z melosom španskega juga.
After its workinprogress-premiere in Madrid, the dance-sound performance of experimental flamenco "Sediments” is coming to us. It is set in the constant transformation of the dancer's space, as layers of information and new dynamics are added to the room. The project is an evolution of the dancing body, driven by the machinery of external inputs—INFORMATION, the hypernym of the WORD—which Fernando Leria Jiménez dissects in his modular synthesizer. Each time we add a point of "infinity" to our space, the topology changes, relationships are rewritten, and the deeper our understanding of the world's structure, the more complex our approach becomes to embedding our own interaction.
Mitja Obed in Fernando Leria Jiménez
Po predpremieri v Madridu k nam prihaja plesno-zvočna predstava eksperimentalnega flamenka Sedimenti. Postavljena je v nenehno spreminjanje plesalčevega prostora ob nalaganju informacij, novih plasti dinamike v prostor. Projekt je evolucija plesnega telesa, ki jo poganja kolesje zunanjih inputov, INFORMACIJE, nadpomenke BESEDE, ki jo Fernando Leria Jimėnez secira v svojem modularnem sintetizatorju. Vsakič, ko dodamo eno točko “neskončnosti” našemu prostoru, se topologija spremeni, odnosi se na novo napišejo, večji vpogled, ko imamo v ustroj sveta, bolj kompleksno pristopamo k vpenjanju lastne interakcije.
F: Staš Gregorič
Alicia Acuña in Emblematika
The music and dance concert Narcotablao is a fusion of the two most authentic faces of Seville, traditional and underground. It is a sonic journey that combines various forms of flamenco, such as seguirija, soleá de Triana, or romance de Lebrija, with contemporary elements like breakbeat, jungle, drum ‘n’ bass, or techno. Alicia Acuña, together with Carlos Emblematika, reinterprets the concept of flamenco gatherings like few others, merging the cultural richness of flamenco with the energy and innovation of the electronic scene. An exceptional groovy evening with the melodies of the Spanish south!
Glasbeni-plesni koncert Narcotablao je združitev dveh najbolj pristnih obrazov Seville, tradicionalnega in underground. Je zvočno popotovanje, ki združuje nekatere oblike flamenka, kot so seguirija, soleá de Triana ali romance de Lebrija, s sodobnimi elementi, kot so breakbeat, jungle, drum ‘n’ bass ali techno. Alicia Acuña skupaj s Carlosom Emblematika kot malokdo reinterpretira koncept flamenko druženja, spaja kulturno bogastvo flamenka z energijo in inovativnostjo elektronske scene. Koncert spremljajo projekcije Los Voluble. Izjemen groovy večer z melosom španskega juga!
F: Noe Moreno
INFO. / REZ.: 040 345 477,, mojekarte
Vstopnice / Tickets:12/10€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors) predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / booking in advance or an hour before the performance at our theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture