Javna predstavitev/ Public presentation
Eduardo Torroja: VERTIGO - koreografska delavnica/ choreography workshop
CoFestival / MedUkrep 2013
Eduardo Torroja: Vertigo (koreografska delavnica)
Produkcija: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Zahvala: Ultima Vez / Belgija
Potek delavnice: 23. - 27. 9. od 10.00 – 17.00 v Studiu Baobab, Parmova 25
Javna predstavitev : 27. 9. 2013 ob 17.00 +MSUM – Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova
Eduardo Torroja: Vertigo (Choreography workshop)
Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Thanks to: Ultima Vez / Belgium
Workshop schedule: 23rd – 27th Sept. from 10.00–17.00 at Studio Baobab, Parmova 25
Public presentation of the workshop: 27th Sept. 2013 at 4 p.m. +MSUM – Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova
INFO.:ptl@mail.ljudmila.org; 051-307-315
CoFestival je srečanje treh sodobnoplesnih festivalov v enem - Modul Dance v produkciji Kina Šiška, Pleskavica v produkciji Fičo baleta in Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia ter MedUkrep v produkciji Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana. V letošnjem letu CoFestival pod skupnim motom Umetnost sobivanja poteka v dveh delih: od 17. - 21. 6. in od 21. – 29. 9. 2013.
V sklopu CoFestivala bo v programu MedUkrep Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana v času od 24. do 27. septembra potekal drugi del platforme ]odprto-zaprto[, v katerega bodo poleg udeležencev junijske delavnice z Matejem Kejžarjem povabljeni tudi drugi ustvarjalci. Koreografska delavnica bo pod delovnim naslovom Vertigo potekala kot odprt metodološki proces skozi nastajanje plesnega materiala v drugačnih prostorih. Mentor procesa bo Eduardo Torroja, ki je sodeloval z Wimom Vandekeybusom od samega začetka priznane skupine Ultima Vez. Kot plesalec in asistent koreografije je sodeloval v plesnem prvencu Wima Vandekeybusa z naslovom “What The Body Does Not Remember”/ “Česar se telo ne spominja” (1987).
O delavnici
Udeleženci bodo izkusili in raziskovali energetski vokabular Wima Vandekeybusa skozi delo na tleh, partnering ter kontakt (fizični teater); gibanje kot “gledališko dejanje” raje kot “tehnika”.
O mentorju
Eduardo Torroja se je rodil v Madridu v Španiji, kjer je študiral ples in gledališče. Leta 1986 se je preselil v Bruselj in začel sodelovati z Wimom Vandekeybusom kot asistent koreografije, plesni pedagog in plesalec v prvih produkcijah skupine Ultima Vez “What The Body Does Not Remember/ Česar se telo ne spominja”(1987), “Les Porteuses de Mauvaises Nouvelles/ Prinašalke slabih novic”(1989), “The Weight of a Hand/ Teža roke”(1990) in film “Roseland/ Dežela vrtnic”(1991).
V 90-ih letih je sodeloval s skupino Rosas Anne Terese De Keersmaeker v predstavah “Erts” in “Mozartovih koncernih arijah: Un Moto di Gioia” in s skupino Needcompany Jana Lauwersa in Grace Ellen Barkey v predstavah “Rood-Red-Rouge”, “Morning Song”, “The Miraculous Mandarin”, “Caligula” in “King Lear”.
Koreografiral je francosko-kanadsko rock opero “Starmania”v režiji Lewisa Fureya (1993-2000). Prevzel je tudi poučevanje repertoarja: “Hands” (P.A.R.T.S. - Brussels and IT Dansa - Barcelona),
“Frisking” (State School of Athens and Ballet des Jeunes d’Europe) in dueta iz Vandekeybusove predstave “Les Porteuses de Mauvaises Nouvelles” (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris) in izvajal delavnice repertoarja Ultima Vez v Leuvnu, Volgogradu, Bruslju, Madridu, Amsterdamu, Sevillei, Rotterdamu, Lisboni idr.
Leta 2000 se je vrnil v Madrid, kjer sodeluje kot igralec ali asistent režije v filmih, na televiziji in gledaliških predstavah, vendar se za različne projekte vrača v Bruselj, na primer kot umetniški asistent za predstavi Ultima Vez “Blush”(2002) in “Sonic Boom”(2003).
CoFestival is the meeting of three contemporary dance festivals in one -Modul Dance produced by Kina Šiška, Pleskavica produced by Fičo baleta and Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, and MedUkrep produced by PTL – Dance Theatre Ljubljana. This year’s edition CoFestival under the common moto The Art of Co-living runs in two parts: from 17th to 21st June and from 21st to 29th September 2013.
Within the programme MedUkrep by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, the second cycle of the platform ]open-closed[ will be held from 24rd to 27th September, when people will be invited to join the already existing group from the workshop of Matej Kejžar. The choreography workshop with the working title Vertigo will run as an open methodological process which will attempt to think choreography based on creating dance in different spaces. The mentor of the process will be Eduardo Torroja who collaborated with Wim Vandekeybus from the very beginning of the renowned dance company Ultima Vez, being a dancer and assistant director in Wim Vandekeybus very first dance performance “What The Body Does Not Remember”(1987).
About the workshop
Participants will explore and confront Vandekeybus' energetic vocabulary through floorwork, partner- and contact work, and movement as a 'theatrical act' rather than as a 'technique'.
About the mentor
Eduardo Torroja was born in Madrid, Spain, where he studied dance and theatre. In 1986 moved to Brussels to collaborate with Wim Vandekeybus as a choreography assistant, trainer and performer for the very first Ultima Vez productions “What The Body Does Not Remember”(1987), “Les Porteuses de Mauvaises Nouvelles”(1989), “The Weight of a Hand”(1990) and the film “Roseland”(1991).
During the nineties, he worked with Rosas - Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker in “Erts” and “Mozart -Concertaria’s: Un Moto di Gioia”. And also with Needcompany - Jan Lauwers - Grace Ellen Barkey in “Rood-Red-Rouge”, “Morning Song”, “The Miraculous Mandarin”, “Caligula” and “King Lear”.
He signed the choreography of “Starmania”, a french-canadian rock opera directed by Lewis Furey (1993-2000).
He has undertaken the teaching of “Hands” (P.A.R.T.S. - Brussels and IT Dansa - Barcelona), “Frisking” (State School of Athens and Ballet des Jeunes d’Europe) and a duo from “Les Porteuses de Mauvaises Nouvelles” (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris) and has given Ultima Vez repertoire workshops in Leuven, Volgograd, Brussels, Madrid, Amsterdam, Seville, Rotterdam, Lisbon, etc.
In 2000 he moved back to Madrid and since then he is acting in film, TV and theatre productions, assisting director for films and going back to Brussels for different projects: artistic assistant for Ultima Vez “Blush”(2002) and “Sonic Boom”(2003)...