Plesni Teater Ljubljana / Dance Theatre Ljubljana
koreografska instalacija in performans / choreographic installation and performance
Umetniško vodstvo in izvedba / Artistic Direction & Performance: INGE GAPPMAIER
Dramaturška podpora / Dramaturgical Support: MARTIN GAPPMAIER
Zvočna podoba / Sound Design: ELISCHA KAMINER
Koreografska raziskava v sodelovanju z / Choreographic research in collaboration with: OLIVIA HILD, NANINA KOTLOWSKI, SANNA LUNDSTÖRM, PATRIC REDL, NARAE SHINO
Instalacija je bila razvita v sodelovanju z / The Installation has been developed in collaboration with: ROBERT LÄSSIG, JONATHAN SCHMIDT-COLINET
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
Instalacija in predstava linije. je dialog med telesom in filigransko geometrijsko prostorsko konstrukcijo, ki se razprostira po celotnem prostoru. Koreografska instalacija, ki je sestavljena iz elastičnih vrvic, spreminja perspektive in se osredotoča na spremenljivo materialnost in fizično inteligenco. Kako strukture, ki nas obdajajo, vplivajo na naše razumevanje gibanja in obstoja?
lines. is a dialogue between a body and a filigree geometric spatial construct that expands across the entire room. Consisting of elastic strings, the choreographic installation shifts perspectives and brings changeable materiality and physical intelligence into focus. How do structures that surround us influence our understanding of movement and existence?