Radouan Mriziga
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Zamisel, izvedba / Concept, Performance: Radouan Mriziga
Produkcija / Produced by: Moussem Nomadic Arts Centre
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: C-mine, WP Zimmer
Sodelovanje / In Collaboration with: Cultuurcentrum Berchem, Pianofabriek, O Espaço do Tempo, STUK
Predstava sodi v program Festivala EXODOS / the performance is part of the programme of the EXODOS Festival
O predstavi
Kaj bi plesalec rad delil z občinstvom? Naj bo teh podatkov veliko ali malo? In kaj bi rad s tem dosegel? Bi rad, da dojamejo sporočilo predstave, ali naj to ostane nedoločeno? Raduan se v svojem solo plesu ves čas poigrava z našimi pogledi in pričakovanji.
Maroški koreograf in plesalec Raduan Mriziga je študiral ples doma in v Evropi (Francija, PARTS). Med drugim je plesal v Half elf zomeravond (Bart Meuleman) in Re: Zeitung (Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker). Je tudi stalni sodelavec “nomadskega” umetniškega centra Moussem, ki se ukvarja z vplivi globalizacije kot posledico starih in novih migracijskih tokov.
About the performance
What information does the artist wish to share with the spectator? Do you provide a lot or a little information? And what are you trying to achieve by this: do you want to convey the meaning of the work or in fact keep it vague? In his solo, the choreographer and dancer Radouan Mriziga constantly plays with the perspective and expectations of the spectator.
Moroccan choreographer and dancer Radouan Mriziga studied dance home and in Europe (France, PARTS). He has danced in Half elf zomeravond (Bart Meuleman) and Re: Zeitung (Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker). He is artist in residence at the Moussem exploring the impacts of globalization caused by old and new migratory paths.