Kapwani Kiwanga
AFROGALAKTIKA: Kratka zgodovina prihodnosti / AFROGALACTICA: A Brief History of the Future
plesni performans / a dance performance
Zamisel, izvedba / Concept, Performance: Kapwani Kiwanga
Predstava sodi v program Festivala EXODOS / the performance is part of the programme of the EXODOS Festival
O predstavi
8. decembra leta 2058 so zaživele Združene države Afrike. Datum obeležuje 100. obletnico prve panafriške konference iz Akre v Gani leta 1958.
Kapwani iz arhiva preteklosti črpa snov za vizijo znanstvenofantastične bodočnosti. Kot antropologinja iz prihodnosti se skozi mešanico arhivskega gradiva, znanstvene fantastike, afrofuturizma in antikolonializma loteva prikaza ustanovitve Združenih držav Afrike in Afriške vesoljske agencije, ki v vesolje pošilja »afronavte«.
Kapwani Kiwanga ustvarja predvsem video in zvočne instalacije ter predstave. Namenoma briše mejo med resničnostjo in fikcijo, da bi spodkopala hegemonistične poglede in odprla nov prostor za razcvet marginalnega diskurza.
About the performance
On December 8, 2058 the United States of Africa came into being. The date was chosen to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first Pan-African Conference, which took place in Accra, Ghana, in 1958.
Kapwani draws on archives from the past while projecting a science fictional future. Posing as an anthropologist from the future, Kapwani looks back at the creation of the United States of Africa and the African Space Agency, sending Afronauts into space through a mix of archives, science fiction, afro-futurism and anti-colonialism.
Kapwani Kiwanga creates mostly video and sound installations as well as performances. She intentionally confuses truth and fiction in order to unsettle hegemonic narratives, and to create spaces in which marginal discourses can flourish.