Rosana Hribar - Gregor Luštek
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Koreografija in izvedba / Choreography and Dance: Rosana Hribar, Gregor Luštek
Priredba teksta Jerneja Lorencija / Text by Jernej Lorenci, Edited by: Rosana Hribar, Gregor Luštek
Vizualna podoba / Visual Image: Jernej Lorenci
Kostumografija / Costume Design: Alan Hranitelj
Glasba / Music: Por unaCabeza (C. Gardel v izvedbi Rococo Quartet)
Prevod in projekcija / Translation and Projection: Jure Novak
Producentka / Producer: Živa Brecelj
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Miha Fras
Odlomki iz kritik
»Poleg izvrstne koreografije, ki vključuje mnogo zanimivih gibalnih detajlov, ki so tudi njun avtorski podpis, predstavo odlikuje premišljena dinamika dolgih intenzivnih sekvenc, ki se mehko iztekajo v umiritev, in njuna naravnost osupljiva plesna izvedba.« Mojca Kumerdej, Delo
»Izjemno polna, živa, sočna ter globoko emotivna predstava, ki se zasidra v gledalčevo notranjost.«Ana Rozman, Radio Slovenija
»Prav tako, kot ta skladba zasvoji s svojo melodijo, tako je tudi nemogoče odlepiti oči s plesalcev.« Simona Jerala,Radio Študent
»Doživeli smo ples življenja, ko sodobni ples v plesni simfoniji Štirinajst Gregorja in Rosane pesni življenje, in gledali smo čudovito odo plesni umetnosti, predstavo o življenju, o intimni in profesionalni povezavi para, ki že praktično štirinajst let daje slovenski plesni sceni svojstven umetniški pečat in na vidnih mednarodnih prizoriščih osvaja najvišje nagrade, menim pa, da z uprizoritvijo Štirinajst posega v sam vrh svetovne plesne elite.« Daliborka Podboj, Parada plesa
Excerpts from Press Reviews / Critics
»Next to excellent choreography which comprises many interesting movement details of their personal signature, the performance is distinguished for its thoughtful dynamics of long intensive sequences softly flowing into calmness, and their directly astonishing dance performance.«Mojca Kumerdej, Delo
»Amazingly whole, vivid, juicy and deeply emotive performance which anchors into spectator's inwardness.« Ana Rozman, Radio Slovenia
"Just like this song is addictive with its melody, so it is impossible to detach the eyes off the dancers." Simona Jerala, Radio Student
»We experienced the dance of life, where contemporary dance in the dance symphony Fourteen (Štirinajst) by Gregor and Rosana rhymes life, and we watched a marvellous ode to dance art, a performance about life, about intimate and professional connection of a couple who has been practically for forteen years giving Slovenian dance scene an original artistic stamp, and has gained highest awards at prominent international venues - and to my opinion the staging of Fourteen (Štirinajst) reaches the top of the world dance elite.« Daliborka Podboj, Dance Parade
O predstavi
Rosana in Gregor v predstavi ŠTIRINAJST nadaljujeta serijo uspešnih plesnih duetov, ki sta jih začela razvijati vsaki dve leti ob osmi obletnici njune skupne (tako plesne kot zasebne) poti. Duetu z naslovom 8 let, ki je prejel 1.nagrado na mednarodnem koreografskem tekmovanju v Beogradu, temu je sledil duet 10 let, za katerega sta prejela 2. nagrado žirije in nagrado kritikov na Mednarodnem tekmovanju za koreografe v Hanovru, 2. nagrado na mednarodnem koreografskem tekmovanju v Ludwigshafnu, nagrado Povodni mož in Trdinovo nagrado.
Duet 012 v produkciji Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana je prejel 2. nagrado na 24. mednarodnem tekmovanju za koreografe v Hanovru v Nemčiji, predstava je bila izmed 582 prijavljenih predstav Evrope izbrana v izbor 20 najboljših predstav Evrope »Aerowaves Priority Companies 2011« s strani vseevropske plesne mreže Aerowaves, na slovenski bienalni plesni platformi Gibanica 2011 je prejela Nagrado občinstva za najboljšo predstavo ter prejela Župančičevo nagrado 2011.
About the performance
In their latest duet FOURTEEN Rosana and Gregor continue with the series of successful dance duets which they started to develop every two years at the eighth anniversary of their mutual (dance and private) path. Duet entitled 8 Years which received the 1st Prize at the International choreographic competition in Belgrade) was followed by 10 Years which was awarded the 2nd Prize of the jury and special Prize of the Critics at the International competition for Choreographers in Hannover, Germany the 2nd Prize at the International choreographic competition in Ludwigshafen, the Povodni mož Prize and the Trdin Prize.
Duet 012 produced by Plesni Teater Ljubljana was awarded with the 2nd Prize at 24th International Copetition for Choregrapher in Hannover, Germany, the performance was selected by all-European dance network Aerowaves into »Aerowaves Priority Companies 2011«, 20 best European performances (in a selection from 582 shows from Europe), received the Award for the Best Performance at Slovenian biannual dance platform Gibanica/Moving Cake 2011selected by the audience and the Župančič Award 2011.
O avtorjih
Rosana in Gregor sta dinamičen slovenski koreografski plesni tandem, ki ustvarjata in plešeta skupaj že veliko let. Sta uveljavljena sodobna plesna ustvarjalca, ki sta sodelovala s ključnimi iniciatorji in ustanovitelji sodobne plesne umetnosti v Sloveniji in še danes aktivno sodelujeta z uveljavljenimi koreografi sodobnega plesa in režiserji. Skupaj sodelujeta pri drugih koreografih in režiserjih, skupaj se podpisujeta kot koreografa in včasih koreografirata drug drugega. Za svoje ustvarjalno delo sta bila nagrajena tako doma kot v tujini.
About the authors
Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek are a dynamic Slovenian choreographic and dance tandem who create and dance together for many years. They are acknowledged contemporary dance artists who collaborated with key initiators and founders of contemporary dance art in Slovenia and still today actively collaborate with renowned contemporary dance choreographers and theatre directors. They often collaborate with other choreographers and directors together, they sign as choreographers together and sometimes they choreograph each other. For their creative work they were awarded at home and internationally.