Gyula Cserepes
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Koreografija / Choreography: GyulaCserepes
Izvajalci in soustvarjalci / Performers and Co-creators: Gyula Cserepes, Nina Fajdiga, Januš Aleš Luznar
Zvočna podoba / Sound Image: Januš Aleš Luznar
Umetniško svetovanje in dramaturgija / Artistic Advice and Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Kostumografija / Costume Design: Urška Recer
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: Luka Curk
Producentka / Producer: Katja Somrak
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana – PRVENEC PTL 2013 / DEBUT PTL 2013
Posebna zahvala / Special Thanks: Milan Tomášik, Katja Legin, Danilo Pečar
Foto / Photo: Miha sagadin
O predstavi
»Cigan je metafora umetnika; nomada, ki stalno spreminja svoj dom, da si omogoči lastno preživetje. Zna vse in ničesar. Cigan je simbol svobode, ideal, ki ga hočemo vsi doseči; včasih pridemo bliže, včasih se oddaljimo, a dotakniti se ga ne moremo. Totalna svoboda je nedosegljiv ideal, saj svet, v katerem bivamo, ni popoln. In bolj ko skušamo trmasto stremeti k popolnosti, več napetosti ustvarjamo, vse dokler svet ne poči … kot jajce … Večni cilj vesolja je ravnotežje.«
Gyula Cserepes
Delo “The New Gypsies” avtorja Iaina McKella je knjiga portretov in zgodb njih, ki nenehno premikajo svoj dom; od festivala do festivala; od mest do vasi, v predelanih kombijih, avtobusih in avtomobilih, se pomikajo v karavanah, spijo v šotorih in improviziranih jurtah. V osemdesetih in devetdesetih letih so »beli cigani« v manjših skupinah potovali po Veliki Britaniji, Novi Zelandiji, in še kje. Novodobno nomadstvo danes ni več izbira v smislu pobega, temveč zapoved preživetja, temelječa na ukazih in prepovedih, ki prostor ožijo, človeka krivijo – kot paradoks potovanja in prisilnega sodelovanja. V tem smo enaki; umetniki, cigani, turisti. V knjigi ni ničesar za prebrati, ničesar za razkriti. Zgodbe »belih ciganov« kot simbolom sodobnega človeka na eni strani in idealom popolne svobode na drugi, se berejo z obrazov… Nenehno potovanje, izkušnja tujstva in omejevanja svobode so izhodišča, na podlagi katerih koreograf in plesalec Gyula Cserepes nekdanji član Central-Europe Dance Theater (Madžarska) in En-Knap Group (Slovenija), ki od 2008 živi in ustvarja v Ljubljani, gradi plesno predstavo New Age Gypsies. Skupaj s plesalko Nino Fajdiga in glasbenikom Janušem A. Luznarjem prehajajo mesta (ne)svobode in iluzije, ob čemer se gibljejo na tanki meji med omejujočo sedanjostjo in pradavno preteklostjo, ki je še vedno del nas, belih ciganov.
...cel svet nas sovraži, živimo kot tatovi,
nismo ničesar ukradli,razen žeblja iz Jezusove dlani…
(iz madžarske ciganske pesmi)
About the performance
»Gypsy is a metaphor of an artist; a nomad who is constantly changing his home to make his own survival possible. He knows all and nothing. Gypsy is a symbol of freedom, an ideal we all want to achieve; sometimes we come close, at times we move away, yet we cannot touch it. Total freedom is anunattainable ideal, as the world we live in is not perfect. And the more we try to stubbornly strive for perfection, we create more tension, so long until theworld cracks … like an egg … The eternal goal of the universe is equilibrium.«
Gyula Cserepes
“New Age Gypsies”, a book by Iain McKell portrays stories of people, who constantly move their home; from festival to festival; from cities to villages in modified vans, buses and cars, travelling in caravan, sleeping in tents and improvised yurts. In the 1980s and 1990s, the “White Gypsies” were travelling in smaller groups through Great Britain, New Zealand and elsewhere. These days new age nomad-ism is not a choice any more in the sense of escape, but a command of survival based on orders and bans, which are narrowing the space and curving the people – as a paradox of travelling and forced cooperation. In this we are the same; artists, gypsies, tourists. There is nothing to read in the book, nothing to disclose. The stories of “white gypsies”; the symbol of modern man on one side and the ideal of complete freedom on the other are being read from the faces. Constant travelling, the experience of foreignness and restrictions on freedom are the bases on which choreographer and dancer Gyula Cserepes, former member of Central-Europe Dance Theater (Hungary) and En-Knap Group (Slovenia) who has been living and creating in Ljubljana since 2008, is building a dance performance “New Age Gypsies”. Together with dancer Nina Fajdiga and musician Januš A. Luznar they are migrating through places of (non-)freedom and illusion, while at the same time moving on a very thin line between restrictive present and an ancient history, which is still a part of us, white gypsies.
...all the world hates us, we live like thieves,
we did not steal anything, except the nail from Jesus' hand ...
(from a Hungarian Gypsies’ poem)
O avtorju
Gyula Cserepes je plesalec in koreograf, bivši član skupine "Central-Europe Dance Theater" (Madžarska) in "En-Knap Group" (Slovenija). Izobrazil se je na Srednji šoli za ljudske umetnosti (oddelek za ples) in na Akademiji za sodobni ples v Budimpešti. Sodeloval je s številnimi pedagogi, plesalci, režiserji in koreografi, med njimi Iztok Kovač, Milan Tomášik, David Zambrano, Anton Lachky in Simone Sandroni.
About the author
Gyula Cserepes is a dancer and choreographer. He was a member of "Central-Europe Dance Theater" (HU) and "En-Knap Group" (SLO). He studied at the High School of Folk Arts (dance department) and the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy. Among many pedagogues, dancers, directors and choreographers, he had worked with Iztok Kovač, Milan Tomášik, David Zambrano, Anton Lachky and Simone Sandroni.