Bor Prokofjev
plesna predstava / a dance performance
prvenec 2024 / debut 2024
Avtorstvo, koreografija in izvedba / Autorship, Choreography and Performance: BOR PROKOFJEV
Avtorska glasba / Music: KRISTIJAN KRAJNČAN
Oblikovanje zvoka / Sound Design: BOR PROKOFJEV
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Light Design: ALJAŽ ZALETEL
Mentorstvo / Mentorship: VITA OSOJNIK
Svetovalec za gib/ Movement Adviser: GAŠPER KUNŠEK
Zunanje oko / Outside Eye: ALJA LACKOVIĆ
Kreativna producentka / Creative Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
Produkcija / Produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA, PRVENEC 2024 / DEBUT 2024
About the project:
Bor Prokofjev’s debut Equilibrium is a transformative performance where dance becomes a vessel for personal metamorphosis, in which the public witnesses a profound evolution of self-expression and identity, through constant movement.. Physical limitations and repeated external factors affect a person not only on a physical level, but also mentally, which can cause a state of instability that the dancer struggles with in his solo. It is precisely this loss of balance that leads him into unknown situations.
Equilibrium means balance. Through constant movement of the physical and mental body, the dancer travels the path out of balance with the intention of discovering something new within himself and placing that in his equilibrium.
O projektu:
Plesno-gibalni prvenec Bora Prokofjeva Ravnovesje je transformativni performans, kjer ples postane posoda za osebno metamorfozo, v katerem bodo gledalci priča globoki evoluciji samoizražanja in identitete skozi nenehno gibanje. Fizične omejitve in ponavljajoči se zunanji dejavniki na človeka ne vplivajo le na fizični ravni, temveč tudi na mentalni, kar pa lahko povzroči nestabilnosti, s katerimi se spopada plesalec v svojem solu. Prav to pa ga popelje v še ne znane situacije.
Equilibrium pomeni ravnovesje. Skozi nenehno gibanje fizičnega in mentalnega telesa, plesalec potuje po poti iz ravnovesja z namenom, da bi odkril nekaj novega v sebi in to vmestil v svoj equilibrium.
F: Urška Boljkovac, Drago Videmšek
About the author:
Bor Prokofjev, born in Ljubljana on January 19, 2001, is a professional dancer and mover, performer, music producer and DJ. He lives, works and creates in his hometown and slowly spreads and shares his work and creations to the wider public. He entered the world of dance as a child, at the age of 4, and has followed it throughout his life since then. During all these years of working in dance field, he studied and researched many different genres and approaches, such as improvisation, choreography, dance performances, theater performances, performative performances, children’s performances, site-specific performances, freestyle/urban dances, street shows, dance battles and in general deals with many different dance styles and performative techniques. In his opus, he uses the techniques of contemporary dance, contact improvisation, hip hop, house, popping, breaking, krump, capoeira, ballet... which helps him to grow as an artist and easier adapt in different situations and opportunities for different projects. Since 2018, he has been collaborating with many local and international artists and is part of performances, such as: CHORUS (Žigan Krajnčan, Gašper Kunšek), TRIAD BALLET (Jan Krmelj), PETER KLEPEC (SNG Drama), CYPHER (Sara Šoukal, Žigan Krajnčan, Alexander Matthias Tesch), HONEY SPARKS IN THE DARK (Kristijan Krajnčan), FUSION REACTOR (Žigan Krajnčan, Flota), DIS:PLACE (Andrea K. Schlehwein, Netzwerk AKS). In 2022, he created a short solo performance FROM INSIDE OUT (Plesni Teater Ljubljana - Festival Ukrep), with which he performed at many festivals in Slovenia. Under the name OBITO, he creates and works with music as a producer and DJ, which accompanies him (music) along his dance path for the past seven years (since 2017), and the knowledge of both is intertwining and growing. He mostly produces in the hip hop genre, but he is able to create sound in any genre that he is given an opportunity, which he has also prove by designing and playing music in the dance performances MIND PALACE - RUMINATIONS ON DYING (Gašper Kunšek, PTL) and BODY SELECTION (Teja Modrijan, PTL). He started appearing as a DJ on the Slovenian scene in 2022 and has already performed at various events with multi-hour sets in venues such as Kino Šiška (COFESTIVAL), Orto Bar (Orto FEST: VAZZ), Big Nose Shop (Borka ‘’PLACES’’ and Obito ‘’THE VOID’’ RILIS EVENT), Zorica Bar (808DEN), Pritličje (CELOVEČEREC), Club Lux (BEATS & BARS). He works hard and improves himself in all of the above areas and is always looking for new opportunities and challenges so that he can acquire even more new knowledge and different aspects in order to help him reach new goals.
O avtorju:
Bor Prokofjev, rojen v Ljubljani 19. 1. 2001, je profesionalen plesalec in gibalec, performer, glasbeni producent in DJ. Živi, dela in ustvarja v svojem rojstnem mestu ter počasi širi in deli svoje delo in kreacije v širšo javnost. V svet plesa je vstopil že kot otrok, pri 4ih letih starosti, in ga od takrat naprej spremlja že celo življenje. Skozi vsa ta leta dela v plesu, je študiral in raziskoval veliko različnih področji ter pristopov, kot so improvizacija, koreografija, plesne predstave, gledališke predstave, performativne predstave, otroške predstave, site-specific performanse, freestyle/urbane plese, ulične šove, plesne bitke in nasploh se ukvarja z veliko različnimi plesnimi stili in performativnimi tehnikami. V svojem opusu uporablja tehnike sodobnega plesa, kontaktne improvizacije, hip hop-a, house-a, popping-a, breaking-a, krump-a, capoeira-e, baleta..., kar mu pomaga da se dobro in lažje prilagodi v različnih situacijah in priložnostih za razne projekte. Od leta 2018 naprej sodeluje s številnimi domačimi ter tujimi umetniki in je del številnih predstav, kot so: CHORUS (Žigan Krajnčan, Gašper Kunšek), TRIADNI BALET (Jan Krmelj), PETER KLEPEC (SNG Drama), CYPHER (Sara Šoukal, Žigan Krajnčan, Alexander Matthias Tesch), HONEY SPARKS IN THE DARK (Kristijan Krajnčan), FUSION REACTOR (Žigan Krajnčan, Flota), DIS:PLACE (Andrea K. Schlehwein, Netzwerk AKS). Leta 2022 je ustvaril kratko solo predstavo FROM INSIDE OUT (Plesni Teater Ljubljana - Festival Ukrep) s katero je nastopil na številnih festivalih po Sloveniji. Pod imenom OBITO pa ustvarja in se ukvarja z glasbo kot producent in DJ, kar ga spremlja ob njegovi plesni poti že zadnjih sedem let (od leta 2017 dalje), in znanje obojega raste drugo z drugim. Večinoma producira v žanru hip hop-a, sposoben pa je kreirati zvok v kateri koli sferi ali žanru se mu ponudi priložnost, kar je dokazal tudi z oblikovanjem in igranjem glasbe v plesnih predstavah MIND PALACE - RUMINATIONS ON DYING (Gašper Kunšek, PTL) in BODY SELECTION (Teja Modrijan, PTL). Kot DJ se je začel pojavljati na slovenski sceni leta 2022, nastopil je že na različnih dogodkih z več-urnimi seti na raznih prizoriščih kot so Kino Šiška (COFESTIVAL), Orto Bar (Orto FEST: VAZZ), Big Nose Shop (Borka ‘’PLACES’’ in Obito ‘’THE VOID’’ RILIS EVENT), Zorica Bar (808DEN), Pritličje (CELOVEČEREC), Club Lux (BEATS & BARS). Redno trdo dela in se izpopolnjuje na vseh naštetih področjih ter vedno išče nove priložnosti in izzive, da lahko pridobi še več novega znanja in različnih aspektov, ki mu pomagajo doseči nove cilje.
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture