selfed - o sebi in samoodpovedovanju

plesna predstava / a dance performance

Koncept, koreografija in vizualna podoba / Concept, Choreography and Visual Image: Kevin Trappeniers

Plesalka in soustvarjalka giba  / Dancer and Co-creator of Movement: Dagmar Dachauer v sodelovanju z / in collaboration with Luka Avguštin, Enej Progar, Jan Ulčar, Sebastjan Zupanc (SloMotion, Slovenian Parkour Family)

Glasba in oblikovanje zvoka / Music and Sound Design: Kreng

Mentorstvo in dramaturgija / Mentorship and Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač

Svetovanje pri zasnovi in distribuciji / Coaching & Distribution Advice: Vincent Company


Producentka / Producer: Živa Brecelj

Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana – Prvenec PTL 2014 / Debut PTL 2014

V sodelovanju / In collaboration: TAKT Dommelhof (Be)

Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane (MGML)

Zahvala / Thanks to: Vincent Van den Bossche, Blaze Urban Academy, Šolski center Ljubljana


Predstava sodi v program Emona 2000, obeležitev 2000-letnice začetka Rimske kolonije Julija Emona (Colonia Iulia Aemona).

The performance is in the programme Emona 2000, the celebration marking 2000 years of the beginning of the Roman colony of Julia Emona (Colonia Iulia Aemona).

Foto / Photo: Miha Sagadin

O predstavi

»selfed« je koreografski Prvenec PTL 2014 mladega belgijskega umetnika Kevina Trappeniersa, v katerem raziskuje metode prilagajanja telesa na mentalne in fizične pregrade in kako premostiti te ovire. Predstava vključuje tako filozofijo kot tehnike popularne urbane športno-plesne forme »Parkour« znotraj sodobnega plesa.

Koreografija preiskuje pojem energije jaza in samožrtvovanja. Jaz je mišljen kot orodje za introspekcijo in reprodukcijo, konstrukcijo in razgradnjo telesa in uma. Temu ustrezno 'selfed' razmišlja o pozicioniranju posameznika v odnosu do individualnih in družbenih struktur moči.

About the performance

»selfed« is Kevin Trappeniers’ choreographic debut in which he explores methods to adapt the body to mental and physical barriers and how to overcome those obstacles. The performance incorporates both the philosophy and techniques of Parkour within contemporary dance.

The choreography investigates the notion of the energy of self and self-sacrifice. The self meant as tool for introspection and reflexion, of demolition and construct of the body and the mind. Accordingly, selfed reflects on the positioning of a person towards individual and social power structures.

O avtorju

Kevin Trappeniers je igralec, performer, plesalec, filmar in režiser ter magister kulturnih študij. Plesno znanje je izpopolnjeval tudi pri Androsu Zinc-Browneu in Wimu Vandekeybusu, Ultima Vez.

Od leta 2012, Kevin Trappeniers v več fazah razvija svoje novo delo skozi sodelovanje z različnimi avtorji in kot umetnik pri L’L, umetniškem studiu za raziskave v Bruslju. Njegovo delo se izrazito osredotoča na človekove čute in se nahaja na meji med gledališčem in plesom. Asymptote, raziskovalno delo pri L’L bo premiero doživelo jeseni leta 2015.

Poleg tega Kevin Trappeniers deluje tudi kot samostojni umetnik - performer. Nastopa v umetniškem projektu Saturn series (United Planets) Karla Van Weldena, kot igralec je sodeloval tudi z gledališko skupino Abattoir Fermé. Sodeloval je tudi pri Who Makes Paintings Anyway? (2011), seriji kratkih plesnih predstav in pri številnih kratkih samostojnih projektih v teatru fABULEUS.

About the Author

Kevin Trappeniers is an actor, performer, dancer, film maker, director and master of cultural studies. He deepened his dance knowledge also with Andros Zinc-Browne and Wim Vandekeybus, Ultima Vez.

Since 2012, Kevin Trappeniers develops newwork in several phases while collaborating with different performers as an artist in residence at L'L, an arts research studio in Brussels, Belgium. His research is distinctly visual and sensate, on the crossing between theater and dance. Asymptote, a research project conducted at L’L, will premiere fall 2015.

Apart from this, Trappeniers works as a freelance performer. He performs in Karl Van Welden’s Saturn series (United Planets), and was as an actor involved with Abattoir Fermé. He also participated in Who Makes Paintings Anyway? (2011), a series of short dance performances, and in several short freelance projects for fABULEUS.

Excerpt from Press Review / Critic

»The dance solo "selfed" after the concept, choreography and visual image by Kevin Trappeniers in the second part, also in the maturity of dance execution by Dagmar Dachauer shone as a long-awaited dance gem of this season – purely, perfectly and poetically the visual image was building up and the mental image was deepening.“ (Daliborka Podboj, Parada plesa)

Odlomek iz kritike

»Plesni solo "selfed" po konceptu, koreografiji in vizualni podobi Kevina Trappeniersa je v drugem delu tudi v zrelosti plesne izvedbe Dagmar Dachauer zasijal kot dolgo pričakovan plesni dragulj te sezone - čisto, dovršeno in poetično se je gradila vizualna ter poglabljala miselna podoba.« (Daliborka Podboj, Parada plesa)