Jerca Rožnik Novak & Leon Marič


plesni prvenec / a dance debut


Avtorstvo, koreografija in izvedba / Authorship, Choreography and Performance: Jerca Rožnik Novak, Leon Marič

Avtorska glasba in izvedba / Music and Performance: Kai Strobel

Posnetek glasbe / Soundtrack: Marc Strobel

Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač

Kostumografija / Costume Design: Sara Smrajc Žnidarčič

Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: Janko Oven

Producentka / Producer: Katja Somrak

Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana – Prvenec PTL 2016 / Debut PTL 2016


Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulture RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulture / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture


S podporo / Supported by: Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität / Anton Bruckner Private University for Music, Drama, and Dance

Zahvala / Thanks to: Veronika Valdés, Rose Breuss, Tomaž Štrucl, Lea Stroj, Branko Potočan, MGLC

Foto / Photo: Sunčan Patrick Stone


O predstavi

Neskončni notranji monologi, ustvarjanje pričakovanj, pritiski, bližina, dotik, pogled, zgodbe brez konca ...

Red, kaos, krog. Kroženje (telesa) in valovanje (glasbe) sta vedno v sozvočju; kdo poganja koga ali kaj? Soočenje, ki pripelje do različnih stanj izčrpanosti, hkrati ustvarja atmosfero, v kateri se lahko izgubiš v ...

Tir telesa je krožnica, telo je Hweōl; okrogla naprava, ki se vrti okoli svoje osi in poganja stvari naprej ...

Kaj pomeni ostati individualen v kroženju in večnem vračanju, kdo nam narekuje mejo? Fizični prostor, lastno telo ali gledajoči drugi ...

Sedem gledalcev v prostoru, sedem struktur na odru. Sedem je iskalec, mislec, v nenehnem poskušanju razumevanja zastrtih resnic, medtem ko je realnost skrita za iluzijami. Sedem je vibracija in energija kolektivnega zavedanja, intuicija, fizična sposobnost, manifestacija prostora in časa ...

Čas je sploščen krog ...

Teater je mlečna cesta, po kateri nenehno krožimo tisti, ki si želimo drugam ...

About the performance

Endless inner monologues, creating expectations, pressure, closeness, a touch, a glance, stories with no end ...

Order, chaos, circle. Circulation (of body) and waves (of music) are always in harmony; who or what is powered by who? Confrontation, leading to different states of exhaustion, at the same time creates an atmosphere in which one can get lost in ...

The orbit of the body is a circle, the body is Hweōl – a round device that revolves around its axis and drives things forward ...

What does it mean to remain an individual in the circulation and the eternal return, who determines our boundaries? Physical space, our own body, the observing other ...

Seven spectators in the room, seven structures on the stage. Seven is a searcher, a thinker, constantly trying to understand the veiled truths, as the reality remains hidden behind the illusion. Seven is the vibration and energy of the collective consciousness, an intuition, a physical capacity, a manifestation of space and time ...

Time is a flattened circle ...

Theatre is a milky way, constantly circulated by those of us who want to go elsewhere ...

Plesni prvenec / a dance debut O predstavi Neskončni notranji monologi, ustvarjanje pričakovanj, pritiski, bližina, dotik, pogled, zgodbe brez konca ... Red, kaos, krog. Kroženje (telesa) in valovanje (glasbe) sta vedno v sozvočju; kdo poganja koga ali kaj? Soočenje, ki pripelje do različnih stanj izčrpanosti, hkrati ustvarja atmosfero, v kateri se lahko izgubiš v ... Tir telesa je krožnica, telo je Hweōl; okrogla naprava, ki se vrti okoli svoje osi in poganja stvari naprej ... Kaj pomeni ostati individualen v kroženju in večnem vračanju, kdo nam narekuje mejo? Fizični prostor, lastno telo ali gledajoči drugi ... Sedem gledalcev v prostoru, sedem struktur na odru. Sedem je iskalec, mislec, v nenehnem poskušanju razumevanja zastrtih resnic, medtem ko je realnost skrita za iluzijami. Sedem je vibracija in energija kolektivnega zavedanja, intuicija, fizična sposobnost, manifestacija prostora in časa ... Čas je sploščen krog ... Teater je mlečna cesta, po kateri nenehno krožimo tisti, ki si želimo drugam ... About the performance Endless inner monologues, creating expectations, pressure, closeness, a touch, a glance, stories with no end ... Order, chaos, circle. Circulation (of body) and waves (of music) are always in harmony; who or what is powered by who? Confrontation, leading to different states of exhaustion, at the same time creates an atmosphere in which one can get lost in ... The orbit of the body is a circle, the body is Hweōl – a round device that revolves around its axis and drives things forward ... What does it mean to remain an individual in the circulation and the eternal return, who determines our boundaries? Physical space, our own body, the observing other ... Seven spectators in the room, seven structures on the stage. Seven is a searcher, a thinker, constantly trying to understand the veiled truths, as the reality remains hidden behind the illusion. Seven is the vibration and energy of the collective consciousness, an intuition, a physical capacity, a manifestation of space and time ... Time is a flattened circle ... Theatre is a milky way, constantly circulated by those of us who want to go elsewhere ... Avtorstvo, koreografija in izvedba / Authorship, Choreography and Performance: Jerca Rožnik Novak, Leon Marič Avtorska glasba in izvedba / Music and Performance: Kai Strobel Posnetek glasbe / Soundtrack: Marc Strobel Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač Kostumografija / Costume Design: Sara Smrajc Žnidarčič Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: Janko Oven Producentka / Producer: Katja Somrak Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana – Prvenec PTL 2016 / Debut PTL 2016 S podporo / Supported by: Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität / Anton Bruckner Private University for Music, Drama, and Dance Zahvala / Thanks to: Veronika Valdés, Rose Breuss, Tomaž Štrucl, Lea Stroj, Branko Potočan, MGLC Kamera / Camera: Gregor Gobec Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo in Mestna občina Ljubljana / The programme of PTL-Dance Theatre Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Ljubljana