Matjaž Mrak
kratki eksperimentalni plesno gibalni film / a short experimental dance movement film
Scenarij, režija, direktor fotografije, montaža / Screenplay, direction, director of photography, editing: Matjaž Mrak
Koreografija / Choreography: Urša Rupnik
Snemanje tona, oblikovanje zvoka, glasba / Sound recording, sound design, music: Boris Romih
Kostum, maska / Costume, make-up: Anita Ferčak
Plesalci, soustvarjalci / Dancers, co-creators: Tina Benko, Neža Jamnikar, Ema Križič, Borut Mlakar, Jelena Radončić, Urša Rupnik, Sanja Spirić
Nastopajoči / Performers: Marija Rijavec, Anica Uršič, Boris Romih
Asistenta kamere / Camera assistants: Rok Ponikvar, Žiga Zdešar
Fotograf / Photographer: Sunčan Patrick Stone
Best boy: Matej Jalšovec
Assistent produkcije v Idriji / Production assistant in Idrija: Tjan Gostiša
Producent / Producer: Matjaž Mrak
Produkcija / Produced by: FRIENDLY PRODUCTION, 2016
Film je financiran s sredstvi Slovenskega filmskega centra Javne agencije / The film is financed by Slovenian Film Centre
INFO. / REZ.: 041-365-184,,
Vstopnice / Tickets: brezplačne / free of charge, predhodna rezervacija obvezna / prior reservation mandatory
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
O filmu
Nekatere stvari se nikoli ne spremenijo …
Ne veš, kdaj točno prideš in si že tam. Politiki. Japiji. Povzpetniki in lokalni mafijaši so izčrpali mesto do konca. Za njimi ostajajo prazne ulice, dvorišča in trgi, porušene zgradbe in ostareli prebivalci, katerih pot se je tukaj končala. Vsak prostor je napolnjen s sledmi preteklosti. Skupina mladih v mestu z nično perspektivo se odloči za pobeg; sedem plesalcev se v kratkem eksperimentalnem plesnem filmu neprestano sooča s fizičnimi in mentalnimi ovirami sedanjosti, ki je prepredena s sencami in odmevi preteklosti. Ples enega, dveh, tisočerih teles, razpršenih po sivih conah prednamcev. Velika okna. Mrzla tla. Stalker. Vkleščen med robustnimi stenami, ujet med priprtimi vekami normalnih ljudi, se nekje spodaj, mimo lačnih oči, dogaja svet iskalcev, sanjačev, plesalcev, ki so jim dnevi šteti. Vedno eno in isto, znova in znova, medtem ko je izhod vsakič nekje drugje … Iskanje svobode, ki boli, beg iz vsakodnevne rutine, ki vleče nazaj, generira cikel nenehnega vračanja (različnega), ki noče verjeti, da izhoda ni. (Andreja Kopač)
About the film
Some things never change …
You don't know exactly when you have arrived – and you find yourself there. Politicians. Jappies. Upstart and local mob exausted the city completelly. For them remain empty streets, courtyards and squares, demolished buildings and elderly people whose path is ended here. Every space is filled with traces of the past. Group of young people in the city with no perspective decides to escape; seven dancers in a short experimental dance film constantly faced with physical and mental handicaps of the present, which is crisscrossed with shadows and echoes of the past. Dance of the one, two, thousands of bodies scattered through the gray zones of ancestors. Large windows. Cold floors. Stalker. Locked between the rusty walls, trapped between half-closed eyelids of normal people, somewhere below, past the hungry eyes - is happening the world of searchers, dreamers, dancers them days are numbered. Always the same thing over and over again, while the output is always somewhere else ... Finding freedom, what hurts, escape from everyday routine, that pulling back, generating a cycle of continuous return (different), who refuses to believe that the way out does not exist. (Andreja Kopač)