Ame Henderson & Matija Ferlin
plesna predstava/ a dance performance
Koreografija in izvedba/ Choreography and Performance: Ame Henderson (Public Recordings, Toronto) and Matija Ferlin (Provincija, Pula, Croatia)
Oblikovna zasnova/ Design Concept: Mauricio Ferlin
Scenska izvedba za Ljubljano/ Set Design for Ljubljana: Lenka Đorojević
Kostumi/ Costumes: Public Recordings
Sončna očala/ Sun Glasses: Sheriff & Cherry
Lučni in tehnični direktor/ Lighting and Technical Director : Paul Chambers
Lučni in scenski tehnik/ Lighting and Set Technician: Saša Fistrić
Produkcija/ Produced by: Public Recordings, Provincija, INK-Pula (2009)
Predstava je nastajala v/ Developed in residency at Tanz Quartier Dunaj/ Vienna, Kultur Kontakt Avstrija/ Austria
Umetniška producentka/ Artistic Producer: Sandra Henderson
Organizacija in izvedba v Ljubljani/ Organisation and realisation in Ljubljana: Emanat v koprodukciji s Plesnim Teatrom Ljubljana
Finančna podpora/ Financial Support: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana, Canada Council for the Arts, Grad Pula in Public Recordings
INFO./REZ.: 031-608-456,
Vstopnice/Tickets: 9/ 7 € (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci/ scholars, students, retired), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču/ prior reservation or an hour before the performance at our theatre
O predstavi
"Majhen čudež o redukciji in prezentaciji. Vznemirljivo, prikupno in očarljivo.”
Philip Szporzer, HOUR Magazine Montreal
Absurdno, smešno, vitalno in kritično. Plesni eksperimenti, ki že od leta 2003 nastajajo v okviru Public Recordings, vzpostavljajo koreografijo kot nebrzdano napetost med znanim in nastajajočim, in so dober primer tega, da lahko ples spremeni naš način razumevanja sveta.
O avtorjih
Kanadska plesalka, koreografinja in performerka AME HENDERSON je odrasla na otoku Vancouver, trenutno pa živi v Torontu v Kanadi, kjer je umetniška vodja ateljeja za eksperimentalno koreografijo Public Recordings. Njeno delo temeljno zaznamujejo sodelovalne prakse, za katere se zavzema tako v estetskem kot političnem smislu, zato pri posameznih projektih sodeluje z umetniki iz različnih disciplin in kontinentov. Hendersonova je diplomirala na Univerzi Concordia v Montrealu, študij pa je nadaljevala na School for New Dance Development v Amsterdamu, kjer je z raziskavo političnih implikacij sinhrone geste ter njenega potenciala kot kolaborativne improvizacijske prakse magistrirala na School for the Arts. Od leta 2003 je avtorica in soavtorica številnih odrskih predstav in projektov. Prelomne predstave Public Recordings "Dance/ Songs/","300 TAPES", "relay, Manual for Incidence" in "The Most Together We've Ever Been" so gostovale na odrih na Hrvaškem, Nizozemskem, v Avstriji, Franciji, Italiji, Veliki Britaniji in Kanadi.
Ame Henderson bo 15. in 16. marca 2014 od 11.00-16.00 v PTL vodila dvodnevno koreografsko-performersko delavnico z naslovom Koreografije srečevanj.
Prijave s kontaktnimi podatki pošljite do srede, 12. 3. 2014 na naslov:
Hrvaški plesalec, performer in koreograf MATIJA FERLIN je diplomiral na plesni akademiji SNDO - School for New Dance Development, Amsterdam. Svoje predstave in umetniško delo je predstavil na Hrvaškem, v Črni gori, na Portugalskem, v Nemčiji, Kanadi, ZDA, Avstriji, Sloveniji, Srbiji, Madžarski, Romuniji in Nizozemski. Sodeloval je s številnimi koreografi, režiserji in fotografi: Maja Delak, Ame Henderson, Sasha Waltz, Karen Levi, Martin Butler, David Zambrano, Christophe Chemin, Ivica Buljan, Mateja Koležnik, Mauricio Ferlin... V Sloveniji smo poleg njegovih solističnih predstav "Sad sam /almost 6/", "SaD SaM (revisited)" in "Sad Sam Lucky" videli tudi njegovi koreografiji "Nastup/Onformance" (2010) in "Drugi sočasno/The Other At The Same Time" (2012). Leta 2010 je prejel Nagrado hrvatskog glumišta za koreografijo plesne predstave "Nastup"; istega leta pa ga je prestižna newyorška revija V Magazine proglasila za enega najobetavnejših svetovnih koreografov. Leta 2012 je prejel nagrado publike, ki jo podeljuje za najboljšega režiserja/koreografa. Februarja letos je v MGL ustvaril koreografijo za predstavo Lizistrata v režiji Mateje Koležnik.
About the Authors
AME HENDERSON grew up on Vancouver Island and now lives in Toronto where she is the Artistic Director of Public Recordings an atelier for choreographic experimentation. Committed to collaborative working structures both aesthetically and politically, she maintains ongoing collaborations with artists from across disciplines and continents. Henderson received a BFA from Concordia University (Montreal) and continued her studies at The School for New Dance Development (Amsterdam). Henderson holds an MFA from the Amsterdam School for the Arts where her research focused on the political implications of the synchronous gesture and its potential as a collaboratively authored improvisatory practice of togetherness. From 2003 Henderson has created: Blue* *Disco (2003), memories and statements (2004), Manual for Incidence (2005), The Instruction Project (2006-07), /Dance/Songs/ (2006), relay (2010), 300 TAPES (2010) and Open Field Study (all together now) a durational, site-specific choreography for 50 performers created for Nuit Blanche Toronto 2007. In 2012, she created a one-night performance concert with Buck 65 for Summerworks. Henderson’s performance works continue to be researched and performed at home, across Canada and internationally. She has developed work in residence at TPW R&D, Harbourfront Centre, Tanz Quartier Vienna, Dance4 (Nottingham, UK), Le Groupe Dance Lab (Ottawa), and OBORO, Studio 303 and Tangente (Montreal). She has collaborated as a performer with Tino Sehgal, Fiona Banner, and Small Wooden Shoe and her duets ROOM with Tedd Robinson and The Most Together We’ve Ever Been with Matija Ferlin, both continue to tour. Henderson was the guest curator for HATCH 2010-11 at Harbourfront Centre and a facilitator for Interrarium 2011 at the Banff Centre for the Arts. In 2012, she was a sessional lecturer in the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies at the University of British Columbia. Her most recent project what we are saying premiered at The Power Plant during Harbourfront Centre’s World Stage, Toronto in May 2013.
Ame Henderson will lead a two-day choreographic-performance workshop entitled Choreographies of Encounter.
Applications with contacts should be sent by Wednesday, 12th March to:
MATIJA FERLIN graduated at the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam. Worked and lived in Berlin. After his returning to Pula he focused on researching and rearticulating different concepts of stage performance and other media such as short movies, videos and exhibitions.He presented and performed his own work across Europe and America at numerous festivals such as Impulstanz in Vienna, Spider Festival in Lyon, Young Lions and Gibanica in Ljubljana, Ex-Yu festival in New York, Rhubarb Festival in Toronto, Contemporary Dance Festival in Bogota, Kunstenfestivaldesartes in Brussells, Infant in Novi Sad and others. He has collaborated with choreographers, directors, visual artists, and dramaturgs such as Ivica Buljan, Martin Butler, Christophe Chemin, Maja Delak, Luc Dunberry, Mauricio Ferlin, Ame Henderson, Aleksandra Janeva, Heinz Peter Knes, Mateja Koležnik, Keren Levi, Karsten Liske, Maria Ohman & Claudia de Serpa Soares, Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Sasha Waltz, David Zambrano, Jasna Žmak, Goran Ferčec and many others. In 2010, his performance NASTUP (Onformance) was awarded the Croatian Theater Award in three categories; best choreographic realization; best contemporary dance performance and best female dancer (Roberta Milevoj). New York V Magazine announced him as one of the most promising young choreographers in 2011. In 2012. Matija has been awarded the Audience Award for the director,choreographer of the 2012.
Performances: Sad Sam Revisited (2004/06), Drugo za jedno (2007), Lucky between the mountains (2007), Sad Sam Almost 6 (2009), The Most Together We’ve Ever Been (2009 - in collaboration with Ame Henderson), Nastup/Onformance (2010), Samice (2011), Sad Sam Lucky (2012), The other at the same time (2012).