Tanja Zgonc
plesno-gledališka predstava/ a dance-theatre performance
Avtorstvo, scenarij videa, koreografija in izvedba / Author, Screenplay of the video, Choreography and Dance: Tanja Zgonc
Režija in montaža videa ter scenografija/ Video Directing, Editing and Set design: Ema Kugler
Avtorska glasba / Music : Aldo Kumar
Kostumografija / Costume Design: Alan Hranitelj
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: David Orešič
Izvajalci na videu / Performers on video: Rosana Hribar, Klemen Janežič, Uroš Kaurin, Blaž Šef, Igor Sviderski, Anja Drnovšek, Jernej Gašperin, Maruša Geymayer - Oblak, Liza Grašič, Lena Hribar, Jaka Lah, Nataša Keser, Rok Kravanja, Robert Korošec, Maruša Majer, Anja Novak, Nina Rajić – Kranjac, Barbara Ribnikar, Ajda Smrekar, Nik Škrlec, Stane Tomazin, Ana Urbanc, Jaka Andrej Vojevec, Nina Vombergar, Vito Weis, Nina Zupančič
Asistentka režije videa / Assistant of Video Directing: Ina Ferlan
Direktor fotografije / Director of photography: Lev Predan Kowarski
Postprodukcija zvoka / Post-production of Sound: Boštjan Kačičnik
Compositing, barvne korekcije / Compositing, Colour corrections: Andraž Čok, Lev Predan Kowarski, Janez Ferlan
Producentka / Producer: Katja Somrak
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana 2013
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: VPK – Video produkcija Kregar
Foto / Photo: Miha Sagadin
Zahvale / Thanks to: Andrej Kregar, Anja Drnovšek, Jernej Gašperin, Maruša Geymayer - Oblak, Liza Grašič, Lena Hribar, Jaka Lah, Nataša Keser, Rok Kravanja, Robert Korošec, Maruša Majer, Anja Novak, Nina Rajić – Kranjac, Barbara Ribnikar, Ajda Smrekar, Nik Škrlec, Stane Tomazin, Ana Urbanc, Jaka Andrej Vojevec, Nina Vombergar, Vito Weis, Nina Zupančič, Stefan Marria Marb, Ivica Buljan, Cankarjev dom, Karmen Klučar, Eva Ferlan, Marko Brumen, Aljaž Zaletel, Mojca Kumerdej, Igor Remeta, Gregor Mohorčič, Borut Cajnko, Danilo Pečar, Andrej Hajdinjak, Maša in Žiga Bojc, Daniel D. Škufca, Sašo Hess, Rosa Lux, Luks Studio & Lab, Restart d.o.o., UL Veterinarska Fakulteta – dr. Marjan Kosec, Slovenska postelja itd.
REZ.: ptl@mail.ljudmila.org, www.ptl.si, facebook * 041-365-184
Vstopnice/Tickets: 12/8 € (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci/scholars, students, seniors)
O predstavi
“Jasna in razvidna predstava gledalcu odpira nova vprašanja in ga pušča osuplega nad čustveno globino in zahtevnostjo dosledno izvedenega buto plesa.” (Tina Šrot, Pogledi)
Tulkudream je predstava o bivanjski razpetosti med radostjo in bolečino, željo in razočaranjem, uspehom in spodletelim, strahom in pogumom, med nesmislom in razumevanjem. V njej koreografinja in plesalka Tanja Zgonc metodo buta prepleta s tibetanskim budizmom ter buto telesu nasproti postavlja tulku - čisto fizično telo duhovno razsvetljenih budistov.
Izraz tulku namreč označuje osebo, ki se je ponovno rodila v človeški svet, doživela popolno razsvetljenje in v svetu ostala z namenom pomagati drugim čutečim bitjem. Obe telesi - buto, katerega izvor je v soočenju s človeško tubitjo, in tulku, ki je po budistični tradiciji razvezano usodne vpetosti v materijo, sta v skrajni abstraktnosti zvedeni na konkretni, pomensko izpraznjeni materialni telesi, ki izvirata iz praznine onstran imaginarnega.
Tanja Zgonc v predstavi uteleša tulkuja, ki sanja tulkuja, ki sanja … morda svoja prejšnja bivanja, nemara lastne odtise v nekih drugih prostorih in časih, morda svoje replike v istem prostoru in času, kot so v filmu, ki ga je režirala Ema Kugler, nanizane vsebine v telesih »tulkujevih« učencev. Tanja Zgonc obenem uteleša razcep na človeško bivanjskost, ki je zavezana rojstvu, spremembam in minljivosti in je prežeta z vitalizmom, ki ga včasih spodsekajo izguba, lastna ranljivost in smrt bližnjih, in na bivanjskost tulkuja, ki se ob vsem, kar življenje prinaša in odnaša, zgolj nasmiha, ker ve, da je doživljanje realnosti odvisno od posameznikovega lastnega pogleda.
O avtorici
Tanja Zgonc je kot koreografinja in plesalka že več kot trideset let dejavna in priznana na svetovni in slovenski plesni sceni. Pripravila je 21 avtorskih predstav in prejela številne nagrade: jugoslovanska alternativana igralka (1989), Zlata ptica (1992), Zlata paličica (1994), nagrado Prešernovega sklada (2002) za predstavo Kagami odsev in nagrado Povodni mož, za najboljšo predstavo po izboru kritikov (2002), za predstavo Koora.
Plesala je v uspešnih predstavah Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana in sodelovala je s številnimi priznanimi režiserji v Sloveniji in tujini ter postavila koreografije/odrski gib v preko sto gledaliških predstavah. Od leta 2002 poučuje na AGRFT v Ljubljani, od leta 2012 z nazivom Red. prof. za področje plesne in gibne izraznosti.
Tanja Zgonc je koreografinja butoistka. Z butom se je seznanila pred 25 leti, ko je postala članica v Kölnu ustanovljene Ko Murobushijeve skupine International Butoh Dance Company. V japonskem butu se je izpopolnjevala pri vodilnih mojstrih kot so: Kazuo Ohno, Yoshito Ohno, Ko Murobushi, Carlotta Ikeda in Tadashi Endo.
Tanja Zgonc je s preobrazbo različnih plesnih tehnik in gibalnih metod z metodologijo buta razvila lastno sistematiko in avtorski princip giba, predvsem hrbta. Zadnja leta kot vodilna predavateljica vodi delavnice po metodi buto v svojem specifičnem jeziku v Evropi, ZDA in tudi na Japonskem.
About the performance
“A clear and evident performance which opens new questions to the spectator and leaves him astonished by the emotional depth and complexity of consistently performed Butoh dance.” (Tina Šrot, Pogledi)
Tulkudream is a performance about existential dichotomy between joy and pain, desire and disappointment, success and failure, fear and courage, between nonsense and understanding. In it, choreographer and dancer Tanja Zgonc intertwines Butoh method with Tibetan Buddhism and next to Butoh body sets Tulku – the pure physical body of spiritually enlightened Buddhists.
The term Tulku namely represents a person who has been reborn in the human world, has experienced complete enlightenment and has stayed in the world to help other sentient beings. Both bodies - Butoh, whose origin is in confrontation with human Dasein (existence), and Tulku, which, according to Buddhist tradition, is released from fateful integration into matter - are in their extreme abstractness, reduced to concrete material bodies, emptied of their individual meaning, that originate from the void beyond the imaginary.
In the performance, Tanja Zgonc embodies a Tulku, who dreams of a Tulku, who dreams ... maybe of his previous existences, perhaps of his own footprints in some other places and times, maybe of his replicas in the same space and time, similarly to how the substances in the bodies of "Tulku’s" students are lined up in the film directed by Ema Kugler. At the same time, Tanja Zgonc embodies the split between human existentiality, which is liable to birth, changes and transience and is imbued with vitalism, sometimes thwarted by loss, inherent vulnerability and death of the loved ones, and the existentiality of Tulku, who simply smiles at everything that life brings and takes, knowing that the perception of reality depends on one's own viewpoint.
About the Author
Tanja Zgonc has been creative as choreographer and dancer, and recognized at the global and Slovenian dance scene for more than thirty years. She created 21 dance performances and received numerous awards: Yugoslav alternative actress (1989), Golden Bird (1992), Golden Stick (1994), Prešeren's Fund Award (2002) for performance Kagami Reflection and the Triton Prize for the best performance selected by the critics (2002) for performance Koora.
She danced in successful performance of Plesni Teater Ljubljana ( Dance Theatre Ljubljana), collaborated with numerous acknowledged theatre directors in Slovenia and internationally, and created choreographies/stage movement in more than 100 theatre performances.
From 2002 she lectures at the Academy for theatre, directing, film and television - AGRFT in Ljubljana, from 2012 as Professor for the field of Dance and movement expression.
Tanja Zgonc is a choreographer Butohist. She got acquainted with Butoh 25 years ago, when she became a member of Ko Murobushi's International Butoh Dance Company founded in Köln, Germany. She perfected her knowledge in Japanese Butoh with leading masters, such as Kazuo Ohno, Yoshito Ohno, Ko Murobushi, Carlotta Ikeda and Tadashi Endo.
Through transformation of different dance technics and movement methods by using the methodology of Butoh, Tanja Zgonc has developed her very own systematics and authorial principle of movement, primarily the back.
In the latter years she acts as leading lecturer and conducts creative workshops on the method of Butoh in her own specific language in Europe, United States and also in Japan.